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发布时间:2018-06-22 06:48

  本文选题:新时期 + 大学生 ; 参考:《山西农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:2012年党的十八大报告明确提出了“要大力推进生态文明建设”,并将生态文明建设与经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设一起提升到国家发展的“五位一体”总体布局中,进一步明确了生态文明建设的战略地位和建设生态文明的重要性、紧迫性。生态哲学观则认为自然是人类社会存在和发展的基础,只有人在尊重自然的前提下,才能充分发挥主观能动性和创造性,才能推进社会文明的产生和积淀,因此,牢牢把握生态哲学思想指导下的生态文明建设这个前提是“五位一体”布局良好开展的关键。 生态哲学就是生态文明建设时期的时代精华,是马克思主义生态文明观的科学概括和系统总结,是一种随着时代发展反映这个时代精神精华的哲学形态。当前,要牢固生态文明建设的基础地位,首先应在全社会广泛开展生态文明教育,逐步确立生态文明理念的社会地位,改变劳动者的固有实践观和价值观念。而大学生生态文明教育是生态文明教育的重要组成部分,笔者认为高校应把握好思想政治教育工作的时代性和现实性,率先开展生态文明教育,及时转变教育理念和办学思路,将实施生态文明教育纳入到高等教育体系。并在生态文明教育的构建、实施、发展、推进和评估中以生态哲学为前提和指导思想,确保其正确的价值地位、实践意义和科学构想。 目前,高校生态文明教育现状不容乐观,但建设生态文明却刻不容缓。基于这一个现实的社会问题和矛盾,本文确立了新时期大学生生态文明教育这一课题,文章主要从四个方面进行论述,第一章分析了新时期大学生生态文明教育的研究意义和背景,第二章着重阐述了开展生态文明教育的必要性和紧迫性,第三章从高校、教师、学生三个视角分析了新时期大学生生态文明教育的现状,第四章提出了新时期下开展大学生生态文明教育的基本原则、方法和途径。
[Abstract]:The report of the 18th National Congress of the Party in 2012 clearly proposed that "we should vigorously promote the construction of ecological civilization," and put the construction of ecological civilization into economic construction, political construction, and cultural construction. Social construction has been promoted to the overall layout of "five in one" in national development together, and the strategic position of ecological civilization construction and the importance and urgency of ecological civilization construction have been further clarified. The view of ecological philosophy holds that nature is the basis of the existence and development of human society. Only when man respects nature, can he give full play to his subjective initiative and creativity and promote the emergence and accumulation of social civilization. To firmly grasp the premise of ecological civilization construction under the guidance of ecological philosophy is the key to the good layout of "five-in-one". Ecological philosophy is the essence of the times in the construction of ecological civilization, the scientific generalization and systematic summary of Marxist ecological civilization, and a philosophical form that reflects the essence of the spirit of the times with the development of the times. At present, in order to strengthen the basic position of the construction of ecological civilization, first of all, the education of ecological civilization should be widely carried out in the whole society, the social status of the concept of ecological civilization should be gradually established, and the inherent concept of practice and value of laborers should be changed. The ecological civilization education of college students is an important part of ecological civilization education. The author thinks that colleges and universities should grasp the epoch and reality of ideological and political education, take the lead in carrying out ecological civilization education, and change the educational idea and train of thought in time. The implementation of ecological civilization education into the higher education system. And in the construction, implementation, development, promotion and evaluation of ecological civilization education, ecological philosophy is the premise and guiding ideology to ensure its correct value status, practical significance and scientific conception. At present, the current situation of ecological civilization education in colleges and universities is not optimistic, but the construction of ecological civilization is urgent. Based on this realistic social problem and contradiction, this paper establishes the subject of college students' ecological civilization education in the new period, which is mainly discussed from four aspects. The first chapter analyzes the significance and background of college students' ecological civilization education in the new period, the second chapter focuses on the necessity and urgency of carrying out ecological civilization education. This paper analyzes the present situation of college students' ecological civilization education in the new period from three angles of view. The fourth chapter puts forward the basic principles, methods and ways to carry out the ecological civilization education of college students in the new period.


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