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发布时间:2018-06-22 08:49

  本文选题:马克思主义信仰 + 大学生 ; 参考:《吉首大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:当代大学生作为社会主义现代化的建设者和接班人,是祖国的未来、民族的希望,其信仰问题不仅关系到大学生自身的全面发展,更关系到党和国家的前途命运,关系到中华民族的前途命运! 随着改革开放的不断深入和经济全球化的不断发展,,社会上出现了信仰多元化的思潮,大学生的世界观、人生观和价值观受到来自各方面的影响。一些大学生出现了信仰迷茫、理想信念缺失、价值取向扭曲等现象,甚至一些非马克思主义的信仰在大学生中也有所抬头,这些现象不得不引起我们的高度重视。 本文以“当代大学生马克思主义信仰问题的基本思考”为选题,探索在新的时代条件下,如何提升大学生的马克思主义信仰,试图找到加强当代大学生马克思主义信仰教育的有效途径。 本文主要从以下几方面对大学生马克思主义信仰进行研究。 第一部分,主要是对当代大学生马克思主义信仰的重要性进行分析。首先,对信仰及马克思主义信仰进行了概述;其次,通过多所高校的问卷调查,了解当代大学生马克思主义信仰弱化的具体表现,探究了当代大学生马克思主义信仰弱化的主要原因;最后,分析了当代大学生坚持马克思主义信仰的重要性,它关系到党和国家及民族的前途命运;关系到中国特色社会主义兴衰成败;关系到马克思主义指导地位的巩固;关系到社会主义可靠接班人的培养。 第二部分,主要研究马克思主义信仰的主要内容和主要特征。对马克思主义的信仰主要包括对马克思主义科学真理的信仰;对马克思主义所揭示的未来美好社会共产主义理想的信仰;对马克思主义理论指导下的共产主义运动和实践的信仰。马克思主义信仰的主要特征主要表现在:马克思主义信仰具有科学性;马克思主义信仰具有革命性;马克思主义信仰的实践性。 第三部分,主要研究当代大学生坚定马克思主义信仰的主要措施。当代大学生坚定马克思主义信仰不能完全靠灌输,要把理论灌输和自我教育有机结合起来,把理论和实践有机结合起来,把内化和外化有机结合起来。充分调动大学生自我教育的主动功能;充分发挥高校教育的整体功能;充分发挥社会教育的辐射功能。
[Abstract]:Contemporary college students, as builders and successors of socialist modernization, are the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation. The issue of their belief is not only related to the all-round development of college students themselves, but also to the future and destiny of the Party and the country. Related to the future and destiny of the Chinese nation! With the deepening of reform and opening up and the continuous development of economic globalization, there is a trend of thought of diversity of belief in society. The world outlook, outlook on life and values of college students are influenced by various aspects. Some college students have some phenomena such as confusion of faith, lack of ideal and belief, distortion of value orientation, etc. Even some non-Marxist beliefs have also risen among college students. These phenomena have to be attached great importance to by us. Based on the topic of "the basic thinking of Marxist belief in Contemporary College students", this paper explores how to promote the Marxist belief of college students under the new conditions of the times. This paper tries to find an effective way to strengthen the Marxist belief education of contemporary college students. This article mainly carries on the research from the following several aspects to the university student Marxism belief. The first part mainly analyzes the importance of Marxism belief of contemporary college students. First of all, it summarizes the belief and Marxism belief. Secondly, through the questionnaire survey of many colleges and universities, we can understand the concrete manifestation of the weakening of Marxism belief of contemporary college students. This paper probes into the main reasons for the weakening of Marxist belief in contemporary college students, and finally, analyzes the importance of upholding Marxist belief among contemporary college students, which is related to the future and destiny of the Party, the country and the nation. It relates to the success or failure of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the consolidation of Marxism's guiding position, and the cultivation of reliable successors of socialism. The second part, mainly studies the main content and the main characteristic of the Marxism belief. The belief in Marxism mainly includes the belief in scientific truth of Marxism, the belief in the communist ideal of the future society revealed by Marxism, and the belief in the ideal of communism in the future. Belief in the communist movement and practice under the guidance of Marxist theory. The main features of Marxism belief are that Marxism belief is scientific, Marxist belief is revolutionary, and Marxism belief is practical. The third part mainly studies the main measures of strengthening Marxism belief of contemporary college students. It is necessary to combine theory indoctrination with self-education, theory and practice, internalization and externalization. Fully mobilize the active function of college students' self-education, give full play to the overall function of college education, give full play to the radiation function of social education.


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