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发布时间:2018-06-22 09:39

  本文选题:大学校长 + 职业发展 ; 参考:《黑龙江大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学校长职业发展不仅受到自身职业背景的影响而且还受到相关管理部门的制约。本文以中美两国各30所大学校长为研究对象,对两国大学校长职业背景进行对比研究,同时以中美两国各一所大学校长作为案例研究对象,对大学校长组织职业管理进行对比研究,从而为我国大学校长职业发展提出借鉴和启示。 首先,通过对中美大学校长教育背景的考察,了解到两国存在较大差异,主要表现为:美国大学校长的学科背景呈多元化趋势,以人文学科和社会科学背景为主;受教育各阶段的学科更具多样化;就读大学与任职大学之间基本不存在“亲缘关系”。比较而言,我国大学校长学科背景单一,主要集中在自然学科,而且校长与曾接受教育的大学存在较为严重的“亲缘关系”。两国大学校长职业背景呈现的共同特点表现为:学历层次较高,校长职前就职岗位趋于一致,职前担任大学副校长的比例较高,且大部分校长来自高等教育系统。然而,在对职业流动性进行比较时发现,美国大学校长的职业流动非常频繁,而我国大学校长来自于本学校内部的比例很高,“近亲繁殖”现象较为严重。 其次,对两国大学校长组织职业管理案例研究得出以下结论:美国大学校长权利的制约主要来自于校董事会,董事会对校长职业管理主要体现在从遴选、构建愿景、制定战略规划、实施规划到对其评价等环节;在我国,对大学校长权利的制约主要来自高等教育主管部门和校党委,高等教育主管部门参与对校长的选拔和任命,校党委在校长治理大学过程中始终保持着与校长并行的权利,同时对校长的战略管理起到导向和制约作用。 最后,本文从美国大学校长职业发展中获得启示:明确大学校长的职业定位,制定合理的大学校长选拔标准,制定公开、透明的大学校长选拔程序,合理借鉴美国“董事会”制度,完善大学校长评价机制。
[Abstract]:The professional development of university presidents is not only influenced by their own professional background, but also restricted by relevant management departments. This paper takes the presidents of 30 universities in China and the United States as the research objects, and makes a comparative study on the professional background of the presidents of the two countries, while taking the presidents of one university in China and the United States as the case study subjects. This paper makes a comparative study on the organization of professional management of university presidents, thus providing reference and inspiration for the professional development of university presidents in China. First of all, through the investigation of the educational background of the presidents of Chinese and American universities, we can find out that there are great differences between the two countries, mainly as follows: the academic backgrounds of American university presidents tend to be diversified, mainly from the humanities and social sciences; The subjects in all stages of education are more diversified; there is basically no kinship between the university and the serving university. Comparatively speaking, the academic background of university presidents in China is single, mainly concentrated in natural subjects, and there is a serious "kinship" between the presidents and the universities that have received education. The common characteristics of the professional background of university presidents in the two countries are that the academic background is higher, the pre-service positions of presidents tend to be the same, the proportion of pre-service vice presidents is higher, and most of the presidents come from the higher education system. However, when comparing the occupational mobility, it is found that the occupational mobility of American university presidents is very frequent, while the proportion of university presidents in our country is very high, and the phenomenon of "inbreeding" is more serious. Secondly, the following conclusions are drawn from the case study of the organization of career management by the presidents of the two countries: the restriction of the rights of university presidents in the United States mainly comes from the board of directors, and the board of directors mainly embodies in the selection and construction of a vision for the professional management of presidents. In our country, the restriction on the rights of university presidents mainly comes from the departments in charge of higher education and the party committees of the universities, and the departments in charge of higher education participate in the selection and appointment of presidents. In the process of managing the university, the school party committee always maintains the power of parallel with the president, at the same time, it plays a guiding and restricting role in the president's strategic management. Finally, this paper draws inspiration from the career development of American university presidents: defining the career orientation of university presidents, formulating reasonable criteria for selecting university presidents, establishing open and transparent procedures for selecting university presidents. Use the "board of directors" system for reference reasonably and perfect the evaluation mechanism of university presidents.


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