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发布时间:2018-06-22 09:48

  本文选题:高校贫困生 + 资助体系南昌大学科学技术学院 ; 参考:《南昌大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the continuous development of social economy, the pace of enrollment expansion in colleges and universities is increasing, more and more students are able to receive higher education. As a result of the growing ranks of students in colleges and universities, the charging standards of higher education are also gradually increasing. Access to higher education for students with financial difficulties in their families has become a problem. The problem of poor students' education is more prominent at the present stage, which not only affects their own study and life, but also brings more family and social problems, which is especially unfavorable to the development of higher education in our country. Poor students in China have a long history of financial assistance, and the funding system is constantly improving and maturing. This paper first analyzes the current situation and characteristics of poor students in colleges and universities on the basis of summarizing the definition of poor students in colleges and universities, and analyzes the causes of the poor students in Nanchang University of Science and Technology. Secondly, it summarizes the connotation, development and composition of the financial aid system for the poor students in colleges and universities, and then analyzes the basic situation of the financial aid for the poor students in the college, and points out the effect and the existing problems of the financial aid system in the college. According to the practice and enlightenment of the financial aid system of Illinois Institute of Technology, the author points out the countermeasures to perfect the financial aid system for poor students in colleges and universities, such as standardizing the management of financial aid for poor students, strengthening the concept of diversified financial aid, highlighting the types of financial aid for poor students, and expanding the coverage. Make reasonable repayment way, reduce default rate; strive for social support, set up special scholarship for poor students; combine economic aid with spiritual aid to help poor students, do a good job of relief work for poor students; popularize student loans.


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