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发布时间:2018-06-29 01:36

  本文选题:高校 + 学术共同体 ; 参考:《中国高教研究》2013年04期

[Abstract]:A country must have mature theory or core values to guide cultural development and guide choice of the road. If China wants to follow its own development path, it must build and adhere to its own theoretical basis and value belief. The theoretical culture "consciousness" includes the grasp, construction and self-confidence of the characteristics of self-culture, as well as the sobering grasp of the position and competitive influence of Chinese culture in the international structure. The social theory has the value attribute, how to construct the theory value system with Chinese characteristics, how to make the public identify with "the biggest convention" through the education and the dissemination, this is the time proposed task. It is also a national capacity. As a group of theoretical construction, theoretical research and theoretical education, the academic community of colleges and universities has a unique responsibility status in the cultural power, theoretical construction and education, and should also be in the theoretical research and theoretical education. More value consciousness of Chinese theory.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学;教育部伦理学重点研究基地;


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