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发布时间:2018-06-30 02:44

  本文选题:高等院校 + 大才流动 ; 参考:《大连理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:诚信是中华民族的优良传统美德,体现诚善于心、言行一致的道德要求。在悠悠历史长河中,诚信被赋予不同的时代内容。如今,在中国特色社会主义现代化建设的进程中,国家和社会都高度重视诚信的价值引导和规范作用。党的“十八大”提出并高度重视社会主义核心价值观,在社会层面上提倡“诚信”,凸显了党和社会对“诚信”价值观的高度认同和对社会呈现高度文明风尚的期盼。高等院校肩负着为国家培养专业人才和为人的全面发展创造条件的任务,其内部人才自身的综合素质对整个高校的发展和国家“科教兴国战略”的实施起着至关重要的作用。然而,近年来,高校人才流动中的诚信问题日渐凸出,如何探索出高校人才流动中的具体诚信问题并对其原因进行合理分析,如何就现存的问题提出合理的解决方案,如何就国外的诚信制度进行有效的借鉴,如何在具体的实际问题中提高高校人才的素质,成为社会亟需关注并有效解决的问题。 本文综合运用文献研究、文献综述、案例研究、理论与实证调查研究相结合等方法,从四个部分对高校人才流动中诚信缺失问题进行了研究。第一部分介绍了问题研究的背景、意义及国内外研究现状;第二部分通过对高校人才流动及诚信理论的阐述,分析了人才流动及诚信的社会功能和现实意义,列举了人才流动中诚信缺失的危害,并简要介绍了中国古代诚信思想及发达国家诚信制度建设情况;第三部分对某高校近五年的人才流动情况进行了调查研究,通过调查结果,总结了高校人才流动诚信缺失的表现形式,并分析了其原因;第四部分,全方位构建了解决高校人才流动中诚信缺失问题的对策:强化岗前培训的诚信教育力度,重视入职前诚信审核的德行考核,着力高校诚信考核体系的健全。
[Abstract]:Good faith is the fine traditional virtue of the Chinese nation and embodies the moral requirements of sincerity and good heart and consistent words and deeds. In a long history, honesty is endowed with different contents of the times. Nowadays, in the process of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics, the country and society attach great importance to the value guidance and normative role of honesty. The Party's "18th National Congress" put forward and attached great importance to the socialist core values and advocated "honesty and credit" on the social level, which highlighted the high recognition of the values of "honesty" by the Party and society and the expectation of showing a high degree of civilization to the society. Institutions of higher learning shoulder the task of creating conditions for the country to cultivate professional talents and develop people in an all-round way. The comprehensive quality of its internal talents plays a vital role in the development of the whole university and the implementation of the national strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education. However, in recent years, the problem of honesty and credit in the flow of talents in colleges and universities has become increasingly prominent. How to explore the specific problems of honesty and credit in the flow of talents in colleges and universities, and how to make a reasonable analysis of the causes, and how to put forward reasonable solutions to the existing problems, How to draw lessons from the foreign credit system and how to improve the quality of college talents in concrete practical problems has become a problem that the society needs to pay close attention to and solve effectively. In this paper, by means of literature research, literature review, case study, theoretical and empirical investigation and research, this paper studies the problem of lack of honesty and credit in the flow of talents in colleges and universities from four parts. The first part introduces the background, significance and current situation of the research at home and abroad, the second part analyzes the social function and practical significance of the flow of talents and honesty through the elaboration of the theory of talent flow and honesty in colleges and universities. This paper enumerates the harm of lack of honesty and credit in the flow of talents, and briefly introduces the construction of honesty and credit system in ancient China and developed countries. The third part makes an investigation and research on the flow of talents in a certain university in the past five years, and through the results of the investigation, This paper summarizes the manifestation of the lack of honesty and credit in the flow of talents in colleges and universities, and analyzes the reasons for it. The fourth part constructs the countermeasures to solve the problem of the lack of honesty and credit in the flow of talents in colleges and universities: strengthening the integrity education of pre-job training, Pay attention to the examination of integrity before entering the job, and focus on the integrity assessment system of colleges and universities.


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