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发布时间:2018-07-02 10:11

  本文选题:教育券制度 + 教育效率 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:教育券制度这一概念是由美国著名自由主义经济学家米尔顿·弗里德曼于1955年首次提出,它是一种在教育领域实行代币券制度的政府主张,该理论深刻地影响了美国乃至世界各国的公共教育改革。在高等教育领域实施教育券制度,即将市场竞争机制引入到高等教育领域中来,不仅可以扩大高校办学自主权,促进高校间的良性竞争,而且还可以优化教育资源配置,提高教育效率与教育公平,对于提升我国高等教育质量具有重要的借鉴意义。 论文一共分为七章。第一章是绪论,该部分首先提出了本论文所要研究的主要问题及其研究背景和研究意义,然后对国内外学者对于这一问题的研究现状及其研究不足点进行了梳理,并对教育券制度和高等教育质量进行了概念界定,在此基础上介绍了本论文用到的几种研究方法,并厘清了研究思路,指出了本研究的难点和创新点;第二章是教育券的理论与实践,该部分首先对教育券的早期思想、产生的历史背景、理论流派及其模型进行了介绍,并对高等教育券的核心理论进行了详细分析,在此基础之上,对教育券在国内外的实践及其经验进行了总结与分析;第三章是中国高等教育存在的主要问题及原因分析,该部分指出了我国高等教育发展过程中现存的生源危机、财务危机、质量和投资效率下降、教育机会不均等等高等教育问题,并对其产生的原因进行了详细地分析;第四章是解决我国高等教育面临的主要问题的对策及其不足,对策主要有缩小或限制扩招规模、吸引优质生源,增加经费投入,打破垄断、引入竞争,转变政府角色,加强高校内部治理等,并对其不足之处进行了分析;第五章是本论文的主体部分,即教育券制度是突破我国高校体制改革瓶颈的有效途径,该部分对高等教育领域引入教育券制度的必要性和可行性进行了详细地论证,并对其面临的机遇和挑战进行了深入分析,并总结了国外高等教育券对我国高等教育的启示;第六章是我国高等教育引入教育券制度的初步设想,该部分介绍了我国高等教育引进教育券制度的目标、设计与实施以及在设计与实施中应注意的一些问题:第七章总结了教育券对于我国高等教育的重要意义,同时指出了其存在一定的局限性。因此,我们应该结合我国国情,积极创造有利条件,推动教育券制度下的中国高等教育质量改革。
[Abstract]:The concept of education voucher system was first put forward by Milton Friedman, a famous liberal economist in the United States, in 1955. It is a government proposal to implement the voucher system in the field of education. This theory has deeply influenced the public education reform in the United States and even the countries all over the world. The implementation of the voucher system in the field of higher education, that is, the introduction of the market competition mechanism into the field of higher education, can not only expand the autonomy of running schools and promote healthy competition among colleges and universities, but also optimize the allocation of educational resources. It is of great significance to improve the quality of higher education in China to improve the efficiency and fairness of education. The paper is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which firstly puts forward the main problems, the research background and the significance of this paper, and then combs the current research situation and the lack of research on this issue by domestic and foreign scholars. On the basis of the definition of the educational voucher system and the quality of higher education, this paper introduces several research methods used in this paper, clarifies the research ideas, and points out the difficulties and innovations of this research. The second chapter is the theory and practice of educational voucher. This part firstly introduces the early thought, the historical background, the school of theory and its model, and analyzes the core theory of higher education voucher in detail. On this basis, the author summarizes and analyzes the practice and experience of educational voucher at home and abroad. Chapter three is the analysis of the main problems and causes of higher education in China. This part points out the existing problems of higher education in the course of the development of higher education in China, such as the crisis of source of students, the financial crisis, the decline of quality and investment efficiency, the uneven educational opportunities and so on, and analyzes the causes of its emergence in detail. The fourth chapter is the countermeasures to solve the main problems faced by higher education in China. The countermeasures are to reduce or limit the scale of enrollment, attract high-quality students, increase the investment of funds, break monopoly, introduce competition and change the role of government. The fifth chapter is the main part of this paper, that is, the education voucher system is an effective way to break through the bottleneck of our country's university system reform. In this part, the necessity and feasibility of introducing educational voucher system in the field of higher education are discussed in detail, the opportunities and challenges it faces are analyzed in depth, and the enlightenment of foreign higher education voucher to higher education in China is summarized. The sixth chapter is the tentative idea of introducing educational voucher system into higher education in China. This part introduces the goal of introducing educational voucher system into higher education in China. Design and implementation as well as some problems to be paid attention to in the design and implementation: chapter seven summarizes the significance of educational voucher to higher education in China and points out its limitations. Therefore, we should actively create favorable conditions to promote the quality reform of Chinese higher education under the system of educational voucher.


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