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发布时间:2018-07-14 16:30
【摘要】:随着高校在校大学生人数的直线上升,一些漠视生命尊严,甚至是伤害自身与他人生命的恶性事件屡屡见诸媒体。此类事件的发生为高等教育的健康持续性发展蒙上了一层阴影,也使得社会公众对高校安全现状产生了担忧和疑虑情绪。造成这些恶性事件发生的原因是多方面的,大学生生命教育的匮乏是其中的一个重要成因。尽管我国某些高校已经开启了大学生生命教育的破冰之旅,但就目前现状来看,在理论上仍没有形成较为完整的体系,实践上也没有引起高校管理者的足够重视,因此对大学生生命教育进行系统研究,并深入开展生命教育实践,已成为高校刻不容缓的重要工作。 本文在关注大学生群体中存在的漠视生命尊严等现象的基础上,对当前我国大学生生命教育的涵义与意义、目标和内容进行阐述,通过分析大学生生命教育实施过程中存在的问题,提出实施大学生生命教育的有效对策及途径。文章共分为五个部分: 第一部分主要围绕本课题的研究背景、研究意义和研究方法,提出了本文的研究创新点。 第二部分对国内外大学生生命教育的相关理论和实践进行了梳理,发现目前国内的大多数相关研究在研究深度、研究重点和实践环节存在着一定的局限性。 第三部分以大学生生命教育的基本内涵、重大意义为立足点,从实施生命教育的基本目标和具体内容及要求出发,阐述了开展大学生生命教育研究与实践的必要性。 第四部分通过我国高校开展生命教育的现状扫描,挖掘出目前我国大学生生命教育存在的主要问题,并分析其主要是由传统教育观念的影响、应试教育机制的的制约和学生思想认识的限制等原因所造成的。 第五部分提出在遵守大学生生命教育的基本原则下,当前我国高校应积极主动的通过确立生命教育的目标,提升大学生自我生命意识;重视教育队伍,完善生命教育的管理机制;改革教学体系,完善生命教育的课程计划;优化教育方式,提高生命教育的实际效果等有效对策来关怀大学生的生命健康,提升其生命质量,并最终实现其生命价值。
[Abstract]:With the number of college students rising in a straight line, some vicious incidents of ignoring the dignity of life and even harming the lives of themselves and others are frequently seen in the media. The occurrence of such incidents has cast a shadow on the healthy and sustainable development of higher education, and has also made the public worry and doubt about the present situation of university safety. There are many reasons for these malignant events, among which the lack of life education is one of the important causes. Although some colleges and universities in our country have already started the ice-breaking journey of college students' life education, however, in view of the present situation, there is still not a relatively complete system in theory or enough attention from university administrators in practice. Therefore, it has become an important task for colleges and universities to carry out systematic research on life education of college students and to carry out the practice of life education in depth. On the basis of paying close attention to the phenomenon of disregarding the dignity of life in the college students, this paper expounds the meaning, significance, goal and content of the life education of college students in our country. Based on the analysis of the problems existing in the implementation of college students' life education, this paper puts forward the effective countermeasures and approaches for the implementation of college students' life education. The paper is divided into five parts: the first part mainly focuses on the research background, research significance and research methods. The second part of the domestic and foreign college students' life education related theory and practice were combed, found that most of the domestic research in depth, research focus and practical links have some limitations. The third part, based on the basic connotation and great significance of college students' life education, expounds the necessity of carrying out the research and practice of college students' life education from the basic goals, concrete contents and requirements of carrying out life education. The fourth part, through the current situation scanning of life education in colleges and universities of our country, excavates the main problems existing in the life education of college students in our country at present, and analyzes its influence mainly by the traditional education idea. The restriction of examination-oriented education mechanism and the limitation of students' ideological understanding are caused by the reasons. The fifth part puts forward that under the basic principle of college students' life education, colleges and universities in our country should take the initiative to establish the goal of life education, promote college students' self-consciousness of life and attach importance to the education team. Improve the management mechanism of life education, reform the teaching system, perfect the curriculum plan of life education, optimize the way of education, improve the actual effect of life education and other effective countermeasures to care for the life health of college students and improve their quality of life. And finally realize its life value.


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