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发布时间:2018-07-20 21:22
【摘要】:2003年3月,西藏自治区人民政府印发了《关于改革大中专毕业生就业制度的意见》,标志着西藏高校毕业生就业制度改革正式启动。职业生涯规划是大学生了解专业、自我认知、选择专业以及实现自我职业发展的战略指南。职业生涯规划能帮助个人进行自我认知与定位,开发其潜能,,发挥其专长,实现其人生目标。同时,对大学生进行职业生涯规划教育,对学校的长期发展也有重要意义。目前,西藏各高校职业生涯规划教育还处在起步阶段,教育体系还不健全,大学生的职业生涯规划意识淡薄,这在一定程度上影响了西藏高校人才资源的优化配置。因此,为合理配置西藏高校人才资源,实现西藏经济社会的跨越式发展和长治久安,就应该加强对西藏高校大学生开展职业生涯规划教育,并指导其科学、合理、全面、客观的设计自己的职业生涯规划。 文章首先对职业生涯规划的基本概念、基本理论做了界定和总结,对职业生涯规划教育在西藏高校发展、大学生就业和职业发展以及西藏各用人单位发展等方面的重要意义做了总结和概况。通过对国外高校大学生职业生涯规划教育的研究,总结了其对西藏高校职业生涯规划教育的启示。然后,通过问卷调查的方式对西藏高校大学生职业生涯规划教育现状进行调查,全面分析了当前一阶段时期西藏高校大学生职业生涯规划教育存在的问题。最后以这些问题为依据,按照职业生涯规划理论,结合国外高校职业生涯规划的特点和启示,对构建西藏高校大学生职业生涯规划教育体系的途径进行了探索。 文章围绕西藏高校职业生涯规划教育的现状和存在的问题,并对其进行深入分析,从组织领导机构,教师队伍建设,网络信息服务,全程化、个性化发展,市场化的教育平台,课程设置及大学生职业测评体系建设等多角度,探讨了西藏高校大学生职业生涯规划教育体系的构建途径。其核心是要求西藏高校建立制度规范、服务全面的职业生涯教育指导中心,并将其作为整个职业生涯规划教育的枢纽,契合各方面资源,有效地对学生实施职业指导和生涯规划教育。 本文的创新点在于从西藏高校大学生职业生涯规划教育的组织领导机构,教师队伍建设,网络信息服务,全程化、个性化发展,市场化的教育平台,课程设置及大学生职业测评体系建设等角度,探讨构建西藏高校大学生职业生涯规划教育体系的途径,为开展西藏高校大学生职业生涯规划教育提供了一种新的模式。
[Abstract]:In March 2003, the people's Government of the Tibet Autonomous region issued the opinions on the Reform of the Employment system for graduates of Universities and Polytechnic Schools, which marked the official start of the reform of the employment system for college graduates in Tibet. Career planning is a strategic guide for college students to understand major, self-cognition, choose major and realize self-career development. Career planning can help individuals realize their self-recognition and orientation, develop their potential, develop their specialties and achieve their goals in life. At the same time, the education of career planning for college students is of great significance to the long-term development of the school. At present, the education of career planning in colleges and universities in Tibet is still in its infancy, the educational system is not perfect, and the consciousness of career planning of college students is weak, which to some extent affects the optimal allocation of talent resources in colleges and universities in Tibet. Therefore, in order to rationally allocate the talent resources of Tibetan colleges and universities, and realize the leapfrog development and long-term stability of Tibet's economy and society, we should strengthen the education of career planning for college students in Tibet, and guide them to be scientific, reasonable and comprehensive. Design your own career plan objectively. The article first defines and summarizes the basic concepts and theories of career planning, and develops the education of career planning in Tibetan colleges and universities. The significance of employment and career development of college students and the development of employing units in Tibet are summarized and summarized. Based on the research on career planning education of college students abroad, this paper summarizes its enlightenment to career planning education in Tibetan colleges and universities. Then, the present situation of career planning education of college students in Tibet is investigated by questionnaire, and the problems in career planning education of college students in Tibet are analyzed. Finally, based on these problems, according to the theory of career planning, combined with the characteristics and enlightenment of career planning in foreign universities, this paper explores the ways to construct the career planning education system for college students in Tibet. The article focuses on the present situation and existing problems of career planning education in colleges and universities in Tibet, and makes an in-depth analysis of it, from the educational platform of organizing leading institutions, building teachers' ranks, providing network information services, making the whole process, individualized development and marketization of education. This paper probes into the ways to construct the career planning education system of college students in Tibet from the perspectives of curriculum setup and the construction of career evaluation system for college students. Its core is to require Tibetan colleges and universities to establish institutional norms, serve comprehensive career education guidance center, and regard it as the hub of the whole career planning and education, which is suitable for all aspects of resources. Effective implementation of career guidance and career planning education for students. The innovation of this paper lies in the educational platform of the organization and leadership of career planning education for college students in Tibet, the construction of teachers' team, the network information service, the whole process, the individualized development and the marketization. From the angles of curriculum setup and the construction of college students' career evaluation system, this paper probes into the ways of constructing the career planning education system of Tibetan college students, which provides a new mode for the development of career planning education for Tibetan college students.


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