[Abstract]:Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, the Party and the state have attached great importance to the education and teaching of ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities, and issued a series of related policies one after another. Under the guidance of relevant policies, the teaching reform of ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities has been continuously promoted. Among all the factors influencing the teaching of ideological and political theory, the relevant policies are the core, which is the intermediary and bridge connecting the theory and practice of education and teaching. Therefore, this paper holds that the study of the relevant policies in the teaching of ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities is the most important part of the research field of the ideological and political theory courses, and we must strengthen the understanding of the relevant policies. This article combs the development course of the education and teaching policy of ideological and political theory course in our country from four historical periods: first, choosing the initial period (1949-1956); second, exploring the alienation period (1957-1977); third, the period of reform and restoration (1978-1992), the second is the period of exploration and alienation (1957-1977), the third is the period of reform and restoration (1978-1992). Fourth, the period of comprehensive development (1992 to present). This paper analyzes the four characteristics of the development of relevant policies: epoch, practicality, leading and innovation. The reasons behind the development of the relevant policies of ideological and political theory teaching in colleges and universities are summarized as follows: first, the changes of the social situation at home and abroad, secondly, the continuous innovation of Marxist theory in China; Third is to the ideological and political theory of the nature of the continuous understanding of the fourth is the need for college students to grow up. At the same time, it points out the basic experience of its development: first, it always takes the leadership of the Party as the core; second, it always takes theory and practice as its method; third, it always takes reform and development as its main line; and fourth, it always takes inheritance and innovation as its foundation and source. This paper expounds the law of the development of relevant policies: first, the policy must serve the socialist ideology; second, the policy must be conducive to the construction of the teachers; third, the policy must provide a strong guarantee for the education and teaching of ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities. Finally, on the basis of the above research, some suggestions are put forward for the future development of the relevant policies of ideological and political theory teaching in colleges and universities in our country, that is, the policy should be sustainable development, the policy should be legalized; The policy should realize the combination of government leading and social participation. The aim is to promote the reform of ideological and political theory teaching in colleges and universities.
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