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发布时间:2018-08-02 21:01
【摘要】:随着现代社会信息化程度的提高和移动网络通信技术的发展,电脑互联网实现了向手机互联网的转变,手机网络成功地发展为了一种新型大众传媒。尤其是近年来手机在大学生群体中普及率大大提高以及3G手机网络与互联网的捆绑式融合发展形势下,手机和手机移动网络己成为他们学习生活必不可少的一部分,并极大地改变了他们的信息交流方式、人际沟通方式和思维行为方式,也使之必然成为大学生思想政治教育新载体。深刻把握大学生思想政治教育手机载体这一新型载体运用的情况,推进其更好的发展,对提高大学生思想政治教育工作的实效性具有重要的现实意义。本论文围绕大学生思想政治教育手机载体有效运用的相关问题,从三个部分展开研究。 第一章:大学生思想政治教育手机载体的内涵、有效运用的评价维度和功能。这一章从大学生思想政治教育手机载体形成的条件出发,界定了大学生思想政治教育手机载体的涵义,并从动态运用的角度概括了大学生思想政治教育手机载体有效运用的涵义及其主要工作方式。在这些基础上提出了大学生思想政治教育手机载体有效运用的评价维度,最后梳理和概括了大学生思想政治教育手机载体功能。 第二章:大学生思想政治教育手机载体有效运用中存在的问题及原因。这一章梳理了当前大学生思想政治教育手机载体在实际运用存在的问题,并针对存在的问题进行了原因分析,为提出针对性对策奠定了基础。 第三章:增强大学生思想政治教育手机载体有效运用的对策。这一章是针对大学生思想政治教育手机载体有效运用中存在的问题及原因,从教育主体、大学生、手机载体信息吸引力、手机载体运用制度四个层面提出了增强大学生思想政治教育手机载体有效运用的可行性对策,是全文的落脚点。
[Abstract]:With the improvement of information level in modern society and the development of mobile network communication technology, the computer Internet has realized the transformation to the mobile phone Internet, and the mobile phone network has successfully developed into a new type of mass media. Especially in recent years, the penetration rate of mobile phones in college students has greatly increased and the 3G mobile phone network has become an indispensable part of their study and life, as well as the bundled development of the 3G mobile phone network and the Internet. It has greatly changed their ways of information exchange, interpersonal communication and thinking and behavior, which is bound to become a new carrier of ideological and political education for college students. It is of great practical significance to grasp the application of the mobile phone carrier of college students' ideological and political education and to promote its better development in order to improve the effectiveness of college students' ideological and political education. This paper focuses on the effective use of the mobile phone carrier of ideological and political education of college students from three parts. The first chapter: the connotation of the mobile phone carrier of college students' ideological and political education, the evaluation dimension and function of effective application. This chapter defines the meaning of mobile phone carrier of college students' ideological and political education from the condition of forming cell phone carrier of college students' ideological and political education. And from the point of view of dynamic application, this paper summarizes the meaning of effective use of mobile phone carrier in ideological and political education of college students and its main working methods. On the basis of these, this paper puts forward the evaluation dimension of the effective use of the mobile phone carrier of college students' ideological and political education, and finally combs and generalizes the functions of the mobile phone carrier of college students' ideological and political education. Chapter two: the problems and reasons in the effective use of the mobile phone carrier of college students' ideological and political education. This chapter combs the problems existing in the practical application of the mobile phone carrier of college students' ideological and political education, and analyzes the causes of the existing problems, which lays a foundation for putting forward targeted countermeasures. Chapter three: countermeasures to strengthen the effective use of mobile phone carrier in ideological and political education of college students. This chapter is aimed at the problems and reasons in the effective use of the mobile phone carrier in the ideological and political education of college students, from the information attraction of the main body of education, the college students, the mobile phone carrier, This paper puts forward the feasible countermeasures to enhance the effective use of mobile phone carrier in college students' ideological and political education from four aspects of mobile phone carrier application system, which is the foothold of the full text.


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