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发布时间:2018-08-20 13:39
【摘要】:近几年来,大学治理一直是学者研究的热门领域,大学治理结构是大学治理的基石。研究大学治理结构有助于我们更好的了解大学治理,学习世界一流大学的治理结构更有助于找到建设世界一流大学的有效途径。香港科技大学立足于东方明珠香港,建校仅仅20余年,迅速晋升为世界一流大学。研究其大学治理结构,并根据我国的实际情况,为我国快速建设世界一流大学献计献策。 本文共分5个部分: 第一部分绪论,主要介绍了选题缘起、概念界定、文献综述和研究方法。 第二部分主要介绍香港科技大学的历史沿革。香港地区的高等教育起源于殖民地时期,每当政治与经济对人才或科技有需求时,就会促进本地高等教育的加速发展。科大在筹备与建设时期得到了大量的资金和人才的支持。 第三部分对香港科技大学的外部治理进行研究。科大的外部治理主要研究政府和第三方机构在科大治理结构中的定位角色。政府对大学干预很小,大学高度自治。第三方机构作为缓冲剂,既要保证大学自治,又要保证政府的资金用得其所。 第四部分研究香港科技大学的内部治理。内部治理主要介绍顾问委员会、校董会和教务委员会等科大的管制层在大学治理中的权力与职责。顾问委员会是最高咨询机构,校董会为最高决策机构,,教务委员会为最高学术机构,三个机构互相配合,各司其职,为科大良好的大学秩序提供了保障。 第五部分是总结,包括分析香港科技大学治理结构的特点和对我国的启示。科大的治理结构特点是第三方参与、权责分明、重视咨询和章程保证。对我国的启示有平衡学术权力和行政权力;建立第三方机构,提高民众参与度;政府转变角色,减少干预;完善大学章程,严格执行大学章程。
[Abstract]:In recent years, university governance has been a hot research area of scholars, and the structure of university governance is the cornerstone of university governance. The study of university governance structure is helpful for us to understand the university governance better, and to study the governance structure of the world first class university is more helpful to find the effective way to build the world class university. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology based in the Oriental Pearl Hong Kong, founded only 20 years, rapidly promoted to the world class university. According to the actual situation of our country, the paper studies the governance structure of its universities and offers suggestions for the rapid construction of world-class universities in our country. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part is introduction, mainly introduces the origin of the topic, concept definition, literature review and research methods. The second part mainly introduces the history of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Higher education in Hong Kong originated in the colonial period. Whenever there is a need for talents or technology in politics and economy, it will accelerate the development of local higher education. University of Science and Technology in the preparation and construction period has received a large number of funds and talent support. The third part studies the external governance of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. The external governance of HKUST mainly studies the role of government and third-party organizations in the governance structure of HKUST. Government intervention in universities is minimal and universities have a high degree of autonomy. As a buffer, third-party institutions should ensure the autonomy of universities and the proper use of government funds. The fourth part studies the internal governance of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. The internal governance mainly introduces the authority and responsibility of the advisory committee, the council and the academic administration committee in the governance of the university. The advisory council is the highest advisory body, the council is the highest policy-making body, and the academic council is the highest academic institution. The three institutions cooperate with each other and perform their respective duties, thus providing a guarantee for the good university order of HKUST. The fifth part is the summary, including the analysis of the characteristics of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology governance structure and the enlightenment to China. HKUST governance structure is characterized by third-party participation, clear powers and responsibilities, attach importance to consultation and charter guarantee. The enlightenments to our country include balancing academic power and administrative power; setting up third party organization to increase popular participation; changing government's role and reducing interference; perfecting university constitution and strictly executing university constitution.


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1 施小平;;试论香港高等教育管理模式[J];高教论坛;2006年04期

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3 胡仁东;现代大学内部治理结构探析——基于影响力的视角[J];现代大学教育;2005年02期

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