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发布时间:2018-08-20 14:26
[Abstract]:On the proposal of the CPC Central Committee, the relevant departments of the CPC Central Committee and other relevant departments have seriously discussed and decided that from 2008 to 2013, about 100000 college graduates were carefully selected to hold posts in rural villages and villages. From 2006 to 2012, Dalian has continuously selected 2000 college graduates to the rural grassroots to do village officials. At present, there are more than 1000 college students serving in villages in all counties of Dalian, and the goal of "one college student in one village" during the 11th Five-Year Plan period has been completed. What influence does the policy of university student village official bring to the development of Dalian countryside, the development of society and the development of college students themselves? What are the advantages of the college student village official policy and what needs to be improved? From the point of view of policy science, this paper makes a comprehensive and detailed discussion on the policy of "one Village one College Student Plan" in Dalian. This draft consists of six parts. The first part is the introduction, which summarizes the background and significance of this thesis, the domestic and foreign related research comments (focus on domestic); the second part is the theoretical basis, the "university student village official" policy overview: based on the public policy analysis as the main research basis. The analysis of public policy is the study of the nature of the policy, the causes and the effect of its implementation, which is chosen by the government in order to solve the problems of public policy, and mainly expounds the basic concept of the "university student village official" plan and the path of policy evolution. The significance of the implementation of the "one Village, one College Student Village official Plan" in Dalian City is political and economic. From the social point of view, this paper objectively comments on the positive significance of the implementation of the university student village official plan and some contradictions and problems that will inevitably accompany the implementation and development of the policy. The third part is the status quo of the implementation of the "one Village one College Student Program": (1) to investigate the university students' village officials, local village officials and villagers, including the basic situation of the university students' village officials in Dalian, and the motivation for seeking employment, in the form of questionnaires, respectively. Treatment, obstacles in the work, the intention after the expiration of the survey and villagers to their evaluation, to analyze the survey data, to provide support for the following research; (2) the policy implementation effect of "one Village one College Student Plan": perfecting the system construction, innovating the management mode; promoting the new rural construction; promoting the university student village official's own growth; (3) existing problems: the personal ambition is not consistent with the policy purpose; The university student village officials work passively and endure time; lack of grass-roots work experience, lack of growing time; behavior deviation of policy executive body; being seconded seriously; "one village one college student plan" policy guiding ideology is misread. The fourth part is the suggestions for the effectiveness of the plan implementation: to establish an examination and incentive mechanism: to construct the training mode and training mechanism of university students' village officials; to extend the term of the university students'"village officials"; to improve the policy identity of the executive body by the principle of the nearest distribution. Ban on secondment, improve the accuracy of university student village official policy guidance signal, improve policy content, improve policy legitimacy. The fifth part summarizes the main points. Through the above analysis and research, the author hopes to provide reference to the decision-makers, managers and implementers of the "one Village, one College Student Program" in Dalian City and the whole country.


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