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发布时间:2018-08-21 13:53
【摘要】:随着当今社会科技的飞速发展,高新技术服务于社会经济的效果越来越明显。各个国家都在寻求不同方式来培养本国的高新技术人才。我国也不例外。然而,受普通教育的影响,我国大部分高职院校采取的还是“三段式”课程开发。这种课程开发具有较严谨的学科结构,但其理论与实践衔接出现的问题也是不容忽视。 纵观世界职业教育领域,法国的“三段式”课程开发,还有英国的“工学交替”课程开发和以美国、加拿大、日本和澳大利亚为代表“实践渗透型”课程开发以及德国的“双元制”课程开发成为几种主要的课程开发模式。其中,最具有典型性,实施效果最好的课程开发模式仍属职业教育巨头的“双元制”,这种课程开发模式也为其经济发展带来巨大收益。 本文以双元制大学为研究对象,以课程开发为主题,以双元制大学课程开发的经验对我国的启示为主线,并结合中德两国高职课程现状,对包括课程开发准备和课程实施及评价在内的课程开发全过程进行深入分析,旨在借鉴双元制大学课程开发的成功经验,并结合我国高职课程开发的现状,为探索中国特色的高职课程开发构建给予参考和启示。 本文共分为四章。第一章,剖析本文“双元制”、“双元制大学”及“课程开发”关键词的含义,从而对双元制大学及其相关概念形成清晰的认识。第二章从课程观、课程开发主体、课程标准和方案设计及课程组织与结构四方面对双元制大学课程开发准备阶段进行深入分析。第三章为双元制大学课程开发的实施及评价阶段,分为课程实施及评价两个方面。第四章,以前三章双元制大学课程开发特征为基础,对双元制大学课程开发的优势进行阐述,,并结合我国高职课程开发在实践中出现的问题进行分析,得出其对我国高职课程开发的启示。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of social science and technology, the effect of high-tech service to social economy is becoming more and more obvious. Various countries are looking for different ways to train their own high-tech talents. China is no exception. However, under the influence of general education, most higher vocational colleges in our country adopt "three-stage" curriculum development. This kind of curriculum development has a more rigorous subject structure, but the problems arising from the convergence of theory and practice should not be ignored. Throughout the world of vocational education, the French "three-stage" curriculum development, as well as the British "work-learning alternative" curriculum development and with the United States, Canada, Japan and Australia represent the "practice permeation" curriculum development and the "dual system" curriculum development in Germany as several major curriculum development models. Among them, the most typical and most effective curriculum development model still belongs to the "dual system" of the vocational education giant, which also brings huge benefits to its economic development. This article takes the dual system university as the research object, takes the curriculum development as the theme, takes the experience of the dual system university curriculum development as the main line, and unifies the Chinese and German two countries higher vocational education curriculum present situation. The whole process of curriculum development, including curriculum development preparation, curriculum implementation and evaluation, is deeply analyzed in order to draw lessons from the successful experience of dual system university curriculum development and to combine the present situation of curriculum development in higher vocational education in China. In order to explore the Chinese characteristics of higher vocational curriculum development and construction to provide reference and inspiration. This paper is divided into four chapters. In the first chapter, the author analyzes the meaning of the key words of "dual system", "dual system university" and "curriculum development", thus forming a clear understanding of dual system university and its related concepts. The second chapter makes an in-depth analysis of the preparation stage of dual system university curriculum development from four aspects: curriculum view, curriculum development subject, curriculum standard and scheme design, and curriculum organization and structure. The third chapter is the implementation and evaluation stage of dual system university curriculum development, which is divided into two aspects: curriculum implementation and evaluation. The fourth chapter, based on the characteristics of the dualistic curriculum development in the previous three chapters, expounds the advantages of the dual system curriculum development, and analyzes the problems in the practice of the curriculum development of higher vocational education in our country. Get its enlightenment to the curriculum development of higher vocational education in our country.


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