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发布时间:2018-08-31 10:04
【摘要】:经过几十年发展,互联网已逐渐成为影响人们的思维方式、生活方式、社会行为等各个方面获取信息的重要媒体。据统计大专以上学生的互联网普及率已接近100%。互联网络的发展使网络文化的载体不再是单一的BBS论坛、聊天室,闪客、博客、播客、微博、Q群、贴吧等相关软件的兴起,为网络信息的互动进一步增添了活力。网络正在改变世界,产生的网络舆情正在冲击着我们生活的方方面面。网络舆情给当代高校的大学生思想政治教育工作带来了机遇又带来了的挑战,对大学生的价值观产生了深远的影响。如何应对网络舆情对高校价值观的影响是当前高校进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育工作的新课题。 本文主要以调查问卷为主,座谈,访谈为辅,从武汉地区高校中选取六所高校,即:华中科技大学,华中师范大学,中南财经政法大学,武汉工程大学,武汉铁路职业技术学院,武汉工程大学职业技术学院作为调查对象。即:调查问卷(一)的设计针对大学生价值观现状及影响因素,包括大学生的有关事业和学习的价值观,有关爱情、婚姻和家庭的价值观,有关金钱、品德等方面的价值观等三个大方面。调查问卷(二)的设计针对网络舆情对大学生价值观的影响因素,包括网络强势文化的渗透,网络信息的良莠不齐,网络的虚拟性和多边性,网络的共享性对价值观的影响等四个方面的内容。 本文共三个部分:第一部分对网络舆情进行了基本概述,归纳总结了高校网络舆情的定义和基本现状,阐明了本文的研究背景、研究意义。第二部分基于价值观视角,对调查问卷的内容进行详细分析,分析当前大学生价值观的现状和存在的问题。第三部分总结高校网络舆情对大学生价值观产生的哪些挑战,并针对当前大学生价值观存在的问题,从网络舆情对大学生价值观的影响的角度提出应对对策。 通过对以上所提出的对策的详细阐述,本文旨在为进一步加强和改进大学生价值观提供第一手材料,为我国培养出具有良好价值观及可靠品质的接班人奉献自己的一份力量。
[Abstract]:After decades of development, the Internet has gradually become an important media that affects people's way of thinking, way of life, social behavior and other aspects of access to information. According to statistics, the Internet penetration rate of college students is close to 100. With the development of Internet, the carrier of network culture is no longer a single BBS forum, chat room, flash guest, blog, podcast, Weibo Q group, post bar and other related software, which adds vitality to the interaction of network information. The network is changing the world, the network of public opinion is impacting every aspect of our lives. Network public opinion brings opportunities and challenges to the ideological and political education of college students, and has a profound impact on the values of college students. How to deal with the influence of network public opinion on the values of colleges and universities is a new task for colleges and universities to further strengthen and improve the ideological and political education of college students. In this paper, six universities are selected from Wuhan University of Science and Technology, namely: Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Central China normal University, Central South University of Finance and Economics and Law, Wuhan University of Engineering, etc. Wuhan Railway Vocational and Technical College, Wuhan University of Engineering Vocational and Technical College as the object of investigation. That is: the design of questionnaire (1) is aimed at the status quo of college students' values and their influencing factors, including the values of college students' career and study, the values of love, marriage and family, and the value of money. Moral values and other aspects of the three major aspects. The design of the questionnaire (2) aims at the influence factors of network public opinion on college students' values, including the infiltration of strong culture on the network, the intermingling of good and bad information on the network, the fictitious and multilateral nature of the network. The share of the network on the value of the impact of four aspects of the content. There are three parts of this paper: the first part of the basic overview of network public opinion, summed up the definition and basic status of university network public opinion, clarify the research background of this paper, research significance. In the second part, the content of the questionnaire is analyzed in detail based on the perspective of values, and the current situation and problems of college students' values are analyzed. The third part summarizes the university network public opinion to the university student values which challenge, and in view of the current university student values existence question, from the network public opinion influence angle which proposed the countermeasure to the university student value. This paper aims at providing firsthand materials for further strengthening and improving the values of college students and providing a strength for our country to cultivate the successors with good values and reliable qualities.


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