[Abstract]:With the deepening of knowledge economy and the continuous expansion of the scale of higher education in China, how to form the unique competitive advantage of universities and become the solution to the university stand out in the increasingly fierce market competition environment. In order to be able to occupy a place in the increasingly competitive field of higher education, so as to gain better access to social resources and introduce high-level talents, many universities will set up their own characteristics as the norm. At the end of 2012, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance jointly proposed the "Comprehensive strength upgrading Project for Central and Western Universities" to encourage 14 regional characteristic research universities in the central and western regions to set up their own characteristics and levels. Promote the development of local higher education by leaps and bounds. At the same time, as the field of higher education in recent years, the new formulation of "research university with regional characteristics" has also demonstrated the highest level of running a university within the region and its dependence on the strong regional characteristics. The idea of a transition to a research university, called the "research university with regional characteristics", is appropriate. In view of this, this paper carries on the practice research on the 14 regional characteristic research universities to enhance the competitive advantage under the background of "the Central and Western Universities' Comprehensive strength Promotion Project". On the basis of combing and analyzing the existing literature, this paper begins with the growth environment, the situation and significance of construction, and makes a comprehensive analysis of the research universities with regional characteristics, and further selects the appropriate indicators from the perspective of the three functions of the universities. By comparing the regional characteristic research universities with the traditional research universities and the teaching research universities, we can find out the advantages and disadvantages of the regional characteristic research universities in the process of construction. Then it discusses how to set up the regional characteristic research universities to improve the competitive advantage. Finally, taking Guangxi University as a case study to analyze the current situation of Guangxi University, the paper takes the construction of regional characteristic research universities as a case study to analyze the current situation of Guangxi University. This paper clarifies the opportunities and challenges for Guangxi universities to build research universities with regional characteristics, and explores the strategies to enhance the competitive advantage of Guangxi universities.
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