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发布时间:2018-09-06 17:13
【摘要】:高校学生对学校管理的参与是当前我国社会与学界探究的热点和前沿问题,相关法律建设也在不断完善。然而,现阶段我国高校学生对学校治理的参与尚处于初级阶段,,参与机会少,参与层次低,同国外高校学生校政参与的水平与程度相比尚有不小的差距。鉴于此,笔者文采取文献研究法、比较研究法、案例研究法等方法对我国高校学生校政参与方面存在的问题及其优化思路加以探究。 本文的主体内容分为四个部分: 第一部分分析了高校学生校政参与的理论基础与历史演进。首先从政府治理理论、新公共服务理论、利益相关者理论、公共选择理论等角度论证了高校学生校政参与的合理性,然后梳理了欧美高校学生校政参与的历史演变。 第二部分分析了我国高校学生校政参与的历史与现状.我国高校学生的校政参与可以追溯到古代的书院,在民国时期取得巨大进步,但建国后的发展甚为曲折。目前,我国高校学生的校政参与处于发展初期,学生的参与意识、学生的参与途径、相关的机制保障、校政参与的效果等方面仍存在诸多问题。 第三部分对我国高校学生校政参与问题做了归因分析。传统师生关系、臣民意识使得高校学生处于受管制的地位;建国后特殊的历史阶段使政府对高校学生的校政参与持审慎态度;高等教育管理体制、法律体系等方面的缺失使学生的校政参与长期处于“边缘化”地位;高校学生自身素质的不足也对其校政参与造成不利影响。 第四部分分析了高校学生校政参与的必要性与可行性,并对我国高校学生校政参与提出了引导与优化建议。高校学生的校政参与,有利于优化学校管理、促进学生发展、促进社会进步。学生自身素质、法律保障、学校环境等方面的现实状况使学生的校政参与具有可行性。要优化学生的校政参与,应该从政府、学校、学生等层面采取相应的措施。
[Abstract]:The participation of college students in school management is a hot spot and a frontier issue in our society and academic circles at present, and the related legal construction is also improving continuously. However, at the present stage, the participation of college students in school governance is still in the primary stage, with fewer opportunities and lower levels of participation, which is still not small compared with the level and degree of foreign college students' participation in school administration. In view of this, the author adopts the methods of literature research, comparative research, case study and so on to explore the problems existing in the participation of college students in our country and their optimization ideas. The main content of this paper is divided into four parts: the first part analyzes the theoretical basis and historical evolution of college students' participation in school administration. This paper first demonstrates the rationality of college students' participation in school administration from the angle of government governance theory, new public service theory, stakeholder theory and public choice theory, and then combs the historical evolution of students' participation in school administration in Europe and America. The second part analyzes the history and present situation of college students' political participation in our country. The political participation of college students in our country can be traced back to ancient academies, which made great progress in the period of the Republic of China, but the development after the founding of the people's Republic of China was tortuous. At present, the participation of university students in our country is in the early stage of development, and there are still many problems in the aspects of students' participation consciousness, students' participation ways, relevant mechanism protection, the effect of school political participation and so on. The third part makes the attribution analysis to our country university student political participation question. The traditional teacher-student relationship and the consciousness of subjects make the university students in a regulated position; the special historical stage after the founding of the people's Republic of China makes the government take a prudent attitude towards the participation of university students in school administration; the management system of higher education, The lack of legal system makes students' participation in school administration become "marginalized" for a long time, and the deficiency of college students' own quality also has a negative impact on their participation in school administration. The fourth part analyzes the necessity and feasibility of college students' participation in school administration, and puts forward some suggestions to guide and optimize the participation of students' school administration in our country. College students' participation in school administration is conducive to optimizing school management, promoting students' development and promoting social progress. Students' own quality, legal guarantee and school environment make it feasible for students to participate in school administration. In order to optimize students' participation in school administration, corresponding measures should be taken from the levels of government, school and students.


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