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发布时间:2018-09-06 18:29
【摘要】:大学生是社会政治生活中一支重要的政治力量和未来社会主义建设的生力军,其政治社会化进行的如何对国家、社会以及学生个人的发展都有重要意义。随着信息技术的高速发展和互联网的普及,互联网日益成为大学生政治社会化的一个重要的平台。网络激发了大学生政治社会化的兴趣,培育了参与精神,拓宽了政治社会化的渠道,同时它也给大学生政治社会化带来了消极影响。作为大学生群体一部分的艺术类大学生,他们所学习、所研究的和毕业后所从事工作内容都是与政治社会化内容密切相关的,,他们既是现有政治社会化的重要受众,又极有可能是未来政治社会化内容与形式的生产者和创造者。如我们所知,艺术类大学生与普通大学生相比,有很多的不同。那么,互联网对大学生政治社会化的影响到底有多大?对艺术类大学生的影响又如何?二者之间有没有明显的差别?这些问题都有待通过实证的方式进行分析和探讨。 因此,本文以湖北工业大学、湖北美术学院和华中农业大学楚天传媒学院三所学校全日制大学生为研究对象,实施问卷调查和统计分析,以了解在校大学生在网络环境下的政治社会化现状。本研究根据调查结果找出艺术类大学生与普通大学生在网络环境下的政治社会化差异,分析网络对艺术类大学生政治社会化的积极影响和消极影响,并在此基础上提出改进措施,以促使艺术类大学生在网络环境下顺利实现政治社会化。 本文一共由五部分组成:第一部分主要介绍了选题背景、研究意义、研究内容、研究方法和本文的创新点。第二部分阐述了有关网络环境下艺术类大学生政治社会化的基本理论。第三部分是对网络环境下艺术类大学生社会政治化现状进行实证研究的数据分析。第四部分描述了网络对艺术类大学生政治社会化产生的积极影响和消极影响,以及网络对艺术类大学生政治社会化消极影响的原因分析。第五部分针对网络给艺术类大学生政治社会化带来的消极影响提出有效对策及建议。
[Abstract]:College students are an important political force in social and political life and a new force of socialist construction in the future. How to carry out the political socialization of college students is of great significance to the development of the country, society and students themselves. With the rapid development of information technology and the popularity of the Internet, the Internet has increasingly become an important platform for the political socialization of college students. The network has aroused the interest of college students' political socialization, cultivated the spirit of participation, widened the channels of political socialization, and at the same time, it has brought negative influence to the political socialization of college students. As a part of the group of college students, the contents of their studies, research and post-graduation work are closely related to the content of political socialization. They are the important audience of the current political socialization. It is very likely to be the producer and creator of the content and form of political socialization in the future. As we know, there are many differences between art students and ordinary college students. So, how much influence does the Internet have on the political socialization of college students? What is the impact on the college students of art? Is there a clear difference between the two? These problems need to be analyzed and discussed through empirical methods. Therefore, this paper takes the full-time students of Hubei University of Technology, Hubei Academy of Fine Arts and Chutian Institute of Communication of Huazhong Agricultural University as the research objects, and carries out a questionnaire survey and statistical analysis. In order to understand the status of political socialization of college students in the network environment. According to the results of the investigation, this study finds out the differences of political socialization between art college students and ordinary college students under the network environment, and analyzes the positive and negative effects of the network on the political socialization of art college students. On the basis of this, the author puts forward some improvement measures to promote the political socialization of art college students under the network environment. This paper consists of five parts: the first part mainly introduces the background, significance, research content, research methods and innovation of this paper. The second part expounds the basic theory of political socialization of art college students under the network environment. The third part is an empirical analysis of the social politicization of art college students under the network environment. The fourth part describes the positive and negative effects of the network on the political socialization of art college students, as well as the analysis of the reasons for the negative influence of the network on the political socialization of the art students. The fifth part puts forward effective countermeasures and suggestions for the negative influence of network on the political socialization of art students.


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