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发布时间:2018-09-18 11:50
【摘要】:改革开放以来,我国高校德育历经恢复与转型、反思与巩固、改革与创新三个阶段。本文以历史发展为线索,从思想文化发展的视角入手,审视高校德育的历史演变和启示,是深化高校德育基本理论和规律研究,推动高校德育与文化有效互动的有益探索。改革开放以来高校德育发展历程研究旨在能够从文化视角深化高校德育的基本理论和规律研究,以提升高校德育建设的有效性。 第一章:回答高校德育“是什么”的问题,这是研究问题价值合理性的重要维度。构建高校德育科学的问题域,是在文化视野下探究改革开放以来高校德育发展的基础和逻辑起点。 第二章:主要从历史纵向的视角探讨1978年到1992年,在文化建设起步中的高校德育恢复与转型。随着思想文化和教育领域的拨乱反正,高校德育面临新的机遇和挑战,高校德育逐步恢复和转型,其实效得到极大提升,标志高校德育发展进入一个新的发展时期。 第三章:主要从历史纵向的视角探讨1992年到2002年,在文化建设系统展开中高校德育的反思与巩固。在高校德育反思与巩固阶段,面临多元文化背景,随着高校德育改革的推进,高校德育逐渐步入正轨,并取得良好的德育实效。 第四章:主要从历史纵向的视角探讨2002年至今,在文化建设纵深发展中高校德育的改革与创新。在高校德育改革与创新阶段,我国步入全球化的浪潮,面对文化全球化、网络文化的繁荣和发展的文化背景,高校德育进入改革和创新的阶段,高校德育发展达到全新的水平。 第五章:反思和回顾高校德育的发展历程,高校德育发展历程体现出改革开放以来德育实践的时空探索,不断进行德育的变革和转型是高校德育前进发展的内在动力。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, moral education in colleges and universities in China has undergone three stages: recovery and transformation, reflection and consolidation, reform and innovation. Based on the clue of historical development and the perspective of ideological and cultural development, this paper examines the historical evolution and enlightenment of moral education in colleges and universities. It is a beneficial exploration to deepen the research on the basic theory and law of moral education in colleges and universities, and to promote the effective interaction between moral education and culture in colleges and universities. The purpose of the study on the development of moral education in colleges and universities since the reform and opening up is to deepen the research on the basic theories and laws of moral education in colleges and universities from the cultural perspective in order to enhance the effectiveness of moral education construction in colleges and universities. The first chapter is to answer the question of what is moral education in colleges and universities, which is an important dimension to study the rationality of question value. It is the foundation and logical starting point to explore the development of moral education in colleges and universities since the reform and opening up under the cultural vision to construct the problem domain of moral education science in colleges and universities. Chapter two: mainly from the historical vertical angle of view, from 1978 to 1992, in the cultural construction in the beginning of the university moral education recovery and transformation. With the rectification of ideological, cultural and educational fields, moral education in colleges and universities is faced with new opportunities and challenges. The gradual restoration and transformation of moral education in colleges and universities, in fact, has greatly improved its effectiveness, marking the development of moral education in colleges and universities into a new development period. The third chapter mainly discusses the reflection and consolidation of moral education in colleges and universities from 1992 to 2002 from the perspective of history. In the stage of reflection and consolidation of moral education in colleges and universities, faced with multicultural background, with the promotion of moral education reform in colleges and universities, moral education in colleges and universities is gradually on the right track, and good practical results of moral education have been obtained. The fourth chapter mainly discusses the reform and innovation of moral education in colleges and universities in the development of cultural construction since 2002 from the perspective of historical vertical. In the stage of reform and innovation of moral education in colleges and universities, China has stepped into the tide of globalization. Facing the cultural background of cultural globalization, the prosperity and development of network culture, moral education in colleges and universities has entered the stage of reform and innovation, and the development of moral education in colleges and universities has reached a new level. Chapter five: introspecting and reviewing the development course of moral education in colleges and universities. The development course of moral education in colleges and universities reflects the space-time exploration of moral education practice since the reform and opening up. The reform and transformation of moral education is the internal motive force for the advancement and development of moral education in colleges and universities.


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