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发布时间:2018-09-19 20:45
【摘要】:民办高校是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,同样担负着培养社会主义建设者和接班人的重任。目前,民办高校思想教育工作者在学生思想教育中贴近社会热点问题、社会发展实际、学生的身心发展,在积极探索如何提高教育效果,重视人文关怀的同时,寻找教育工作的新途径、新方法,并对这个问题展开了积极的探讨。 高校思想政治教育中的人文关怀是促进学生的德智体全面发展,激发学生的创造性、积极性和主动性,关心学生的个人需求,尊重学生的个性差异的一种价值取向。 本文详细论述了人文关怀在思想政治教育工作中的作用和意义:即有助于大学生道德参与的主体认同,形成健康的道德情感,树立高尚的道德观念,形成自觉的道德生活习惯,创造和谐的道德文化环境等。结合民办高校的实际情况与本人长期的工作经验和资料积累,提出民办高校思想政治教育中人文关怀存在的问题主要表现为在思想政治教育中缺乏人文关怀意识,忽视大学生主观能动性的培养和激发,思想政治教育师资队伍的总体实力比较薄弱,民办高校整体人文环境氛围淡薄等。而产生这些问题的主要原因是民办高校的人文知识教育相对匮乏,缺乏对思想政治教育师资队伍的人文素质教育与培训,学校整体规划中不重视人文环境氛围的建设等。 在以上探讨分析的基础上,提出民办高校思想政治教育加强人文关怀的几项措施:即以科学发展观为指导,确立以学生为主体的理念;加强民办高校学生的心理健康教育和心理疏导工作;注重人文关怀,健全民办高校大学生就业指导和就业服务体系;注重人文关怀,加强校园文化建设等。
[Abstract]:Non-governmental colleges and universities are an important part of higher education in our country, and also shoulder the important task of cultivating socialist constructors and successors. At present, ideological educators in private colleges and universities are close to the hot social issues, the reality of social development, and the physical and mental development of students. At the same time, they are actively exploring how to improve the educational effect and attach importance to humanistic care. To find new ways and methods of educational work, and to discuss this problem actively. Humanistic solicitude in ideological and political education in colleges and universities is a kind of value orientation that promotes students' moral, intellectual and physical development, stimulates students' creativity, enthusiasm and initiative, cares for students' personal needs and respects students' individual differences. This paper discusses in detail the role and significance of humanistic care in ideological and political education: it is helpful to the main body identification of college students' moral participation, the formation of healthy moral feelings, the establishment of noble moral concepts, and the formation of conscious moral living habits. Create a harmonious moral and cultural environment. Combined with the actual situation of private colleges and the accumulation of long-term working experience and data, the paper points out that the main problems of humanistic care in ideological and political education of private universities are the lack of humanistic care consciousness in ideological and political education. Ignoring the cultivation and stimulation of college students' subjective initiative, the overall strength of ideological and political education teachers is relatively weak, and the overall humanistic environment of private colleges and universities is weak. The main reasons for these problems are the relative lack of humanistic knowledge education in private colleges and universities, the lack of humanistic quality education and training of ideological and political education teachers, and the lack of attention to the construction of humanistic environment in the overall planning of schools. On the basis of the above discussion and analysis, this paper puts forward several measures to strengthen humanistic care in ideological and political education of private colleges and universities: to establish the idea of taking students as the main body under the guidance of scientific development view; Strengthen the mental health education and psychological guidance of private college students; pay attention to humanistic care, improve the employment guidance and employment service system of private college students; pay attention to humanistic care, strengthen the construction of campus culture, etc.


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2 张磊;论大学生思想政治教育人文关怀[D];西南大学;2009年

3 陈波;大学生思想政治教育人文关怀研究[D];西南大学;2009年




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