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发布时间:2018-10-10 10:03
【摘要】:网络活动已成为大学生日常生活、学习、娱乐的重要组成部分,网络信息传播交流的特征导致大学生思想心理活动、语言形态和行为方式出现了新情况、新规律。高校思想政治工作主动深入网络空间开辟工作局面,是面对网络的影响进行高校思想政治工作改革创新的现实要求,从网上网下的结合上扩大教育的覆盖面和增强教育的影响力,已成为广大思想政治教育工作者的共识。在网络环境下,认清形势,转变教育理念,深入研究互网络环境下思想政治教育的新情况、总结新问题、创新思想政治教育机制、革新思想政治教育手段,探索出加强网络环境下高校思想政治教育工作的创新策略、途径,提高网络宣传教育阵地的感召力和战斗力,是新形势下进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的迫切需要。 文章围绕网络环境下大学生思想政治教育问题展开研究,并提出改进策略。 首先,论文论述了网络环境对大学生思想政治教育的有利影响。认为网络为大学生思想政治教育提供新空间,给高校思想政治教育带来的新变化,为高校校园文化的发展提供了新舞台。 其次,论文也正视了网络环境对大学生思想政治教育的挑战。认为网络环境中的消极因素对高校思想政治工作者的主体地位、自身能力、思维方式、工作方法提出了挑战,对大学生人际关系、诱发犯罪、对主流意识形态的认同、道德责任感、法律意识产生了不利影响。 再次,论文针对网络环境对大学生思想政治工作的有利影响和带来的挑战,提出了网络环境下改进大学生思想政治教育的策略,提出加强高校网络思想政治教育的网络媒介运用,加强大学生思想政治教育工作者队伍建设,根据大学生特点建立相应管理措施,制定相应的网络管理法律和规范。
[Abstract]:Network activities have become an important part of college students' daily life, study and entertainment. The characteristics of network information communication have led to new situations and new rules of college students' ideological and psychological activities, language forms and behavior patterns. The ideological and political work in colleges and universities actively goes deep into the situation of opening up the network space, which is the realistic requirement for the reform and innovation of ideological and political work in colleges and universities in the face of the influence of the network. It has become the consensus of the ideological and political educators to expand the educational coverage and enhance the influence of education from the combination of Internet and offline. Under the network environment, we should clearly understand the situation, change the educational concept, deeply study the new situation of ideological and political education under the environment of Internet, sum up new problems, innovate the mechanism of ideological and political education, and innovate the means of ideological and political education. It is an urgent need to further strengthen and improve the ideological and political education of college students under the new situation by exploring the innovative strategies and ways of strengthening the ideological and political education work in colleges and universities under the network environment and improving the appeal and combat effectiveness of the network propaganda and education position. This paper focuses on the ideological and political education of college students under the network environment, and puts forward some improving strategies. Firstly, the paper discusses the favorable influence of network environment on ideological and political education of college students. It is believed that the network provides a new space for the ideological and political education of college students, a new change to the ideological and political education in colleges and universities, and a new stage for the development of campus culture in colleges and universities. Secondly, the paper also faces the challenge of network environment to ideological and political education of college students. It is believed that the negative factors in the network environment have challenged the ideological and political workers in colleges and universities in their main position, ability, way of thinking, and working methods, and they have also posed a challenge to the interpersonal relations of college students, induced crimes, and identified with the mainstream ideology. The sense of moral responsibility and legal consciousness have had a negative impact. Thirdly, aiming at the favorable influence and challenges brought by the network environment to the ideological and political work of college students, the paper puts forward the strategies to improve the ideological and political education of college students under the network environment. This paper proposes to strengthen the use of network media for ideological and political education in colleges and universities, to strengthen the construction of the contingent of ideological and political education workers of college students, to establish corresponding management measures according to the characteristics of college students, and to formulate the corresponding laws and regulations of network management.


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