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发布时间:2018-10-10 13:28
【摘要】:本文以泰国的私立高等教育政策为研究对象,通过对泰国私立高等教育政策的发展历程、出台背景、政策主要内容、政策的历史意义及政策的影响因素等进行系统分析梳理,探寻泰国私立高等教育的发展的成功经验及其对我国民办高等教育发展的启示。 本文采用了文献分析、比较分析和个案分析等研究方法,对泰国的私立高等教育政策体系进行研究解读,有利于深入了解泰国私立高等教育的发展历程及政策在促进教育发展过程中的作用,对我国的民办高等教育的发展、决策有一定的借鉴价值;对促进两国的高等教育合作交流和维护地区的和平稳定有着重要意义。 泰国的私立高等教育经历了酝酿、早期发展、改进完善、快速发展、全面发展、教育改革等阶段,在各个发展阶段中私立高等教育政策发挥着引导和规范的作用,是泰国私立高等教育发展的重要保障。泰国的私立高等教育政策在发展的过程中,受到本国经济、政治、人口、文化及国际环境等因素的影响,并在发展中形成了自己的特色。泰国鼓励发展私立高等教育、在发展私立高等教育过程中重视保证教育质量、政策资金上给予支持与帮助的做法值得我们借鉴。当然泰国在发展私立高等教育的过程中也存在着,政府过分干预的情况,管理和控制过于严格也会限制私立高等教育的发展。 总之,泰国发展私立高等教育的诸多成功经验对我国的民办高等教育发展有一定的借鉴意义,其发展过程中的不足我们尽量规避,在借鉴外国教育经验过程中,观其长察其短,才能对我国自身的教育有个更深刻的认识及反思,促进我国教育的发展。
[Abstract]:This article takes Thailand's private higher education policy as the research object, through the development course, the introduction background, the policy main content, the policy historical significance and the policy influence factor and so on carries on the systematic analysis to the Thailand private higher education policy development process, the policy main content, the policy influence factor and so on. To explore the successful experience of the development of private higher education in Thailand and its enlightenment to the development of private higher education in China. This paper uses the methods of literature analysis, comparative analysis and case analysis to analyze the policy system of private higher education in Thailand. It is beneficial to understand the development process of private higher education in Thailand and the role of policies in promoting the development of education. It has certain reference value for the development of private higher education in China. It is of great significance to promote the cooperation and exchange of higher education between the two countries and to maintain regional peace and stability. Private higher education in Thailand has experienced the stages of brewing, early development, improvement, rapid development, all-round development and educational reform. Private higher education policy plays a leading and normative role in all stages of development. It is an important guarantee for the development of private higher education in Thailand. Thailand's private higher education policy is influenced by its economy, politics, population, culture and international environment in the process of development. Thailand encourages the development of private higher education and attaches importance to ensuring the quality of education in the process of developing private higher education. Of course, Thailand also exists in the process of developing private higher education, too much government intervention, too strict management and control will limit the development of private higher education. In a word, many successful experiences of developing private higher education in Thailand have certain significance for reference to the development of private higher education in China. We try our best to avoid the deficiencies in the development of private higher education in Thailand. In the process of learning from foreign educational experience, we should observe its long and short experience. Only then can we have a deeper understanding and reflection on our own education and promote the development of our country's education.


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