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发布时间:2018-10-11 07:26
【摘要】:随着当代社会经济的发展和生存环境的改变,道德责任意识下滑的现象已逐渐受到全社会的普遍关注,开展道德责任教育已成为十分迫切的任务。大学生的道德责任意识以及责任感直接影响着社会前进的方向及祖国未来的发展,当代大学生道德责任意识的培养任重而道远。因此作为培养高等知识分子的各类高校更应把道德责任教育放在重要的位置。 公民在现实社会中对自己的行为具有一定的自由选择权,因而必须承担相应的道德责任。道德责任就是人们对自己行为的善恶所应承担的责任,也就是指道德主体在一定的社会关系中所应该选择的道德行为和所承担的道德义务。一个具有高尚道德的人一定是自觉践行道德责任的人。文明社会发展至今,虽没有明确的法律或条文对道德责任加以规范,但道德责任仍是约束人们行为的重要准则。 道德责任意识即承担意识,是个体为自身的言行主动承担责任的自律意识。具有崇高道德价值的社会行为之所以被广大民众认可,,正是由于这种行为是出于对国家、对社会、对集体负有的强烈的责任感。具有高度道德责任意识的大学生无疑是现代社会发展所需要的优质人才。然而,由于目前我国社会转型所带来的负面影响,经济的发展和生存环境的改变,人们的思维方式、意识观念也受到了影响。家庭教育的弱化,高校道德教育体系不完善,加之青年学生世界观,人生观和价值观尚未完整地建构起来,所以大学生道德责任意识受到的冲击可想而知,表现最为突出的就是道德责任意识的淡化甚至缺失。因此,探讨如何增强大学生道德责任意识具有重要的实际意义和理论意义。 文章采用文献资料、个别访谈等研究方法,以大学生道德责任意识淡化为研究对象,探究大学生道德责任缺失的社会背景,作为高校辅导员结合自身教育工作实践,有针对性地总结出增强大学生道德责任意识的对策。 基于以上思路,本文包括以下三个部分: 第一部分:通过查阅大量文献资料,结合东西方文化差异,追溯道德责任的起源,从理论上界定了道德、责任、道德责任、大学生道德责任及大学生道德责任意识等相关概念及概念之间的区别与联系;大学阶段不仅是青年人一生中成长成才的关键时期,也是大学生不断社会化的关键时期,同时加强大学生道德责任教育也是社会转型期道德建设的当务之急。因此文章从加强大学生道德责任教育是现实社会的迫切要求、是大学生成长和成才的重要支撑、同时也是高校道德教育的重要内容三方面阐释了道德责任教育的现实意义。 第二部分:从社会、学校、家庭等多角度入手,具体分析了在道德责任教育方面存在的问题:经济体制转型,多元化的价值观,负面的社会现实,一味注重成绩而最终流于形式的高校道德教育课程都对大学生道德责任教育十分不利;家庭教育原本的育人功能被大打折扣;同时大学生自身缺乏自我负责的意识,自律性较差等等问题日益显现。针对以上问题深入探究,得出大学生道德责任缺失的因素主要有:社会整体道德建设出现下滑、高校忽视学生道德责任教育建设、家庭不重视道德责任教育、大学生缺乏正确的自我认知。 第三部分:从社会环境、高校德育工作、家庭教育和自我教育等方面提出了增强大学生道德责任意识的对策。众所周知,良好的社会环境对塑造大学生的人格有着不可低估的作用,营造良好的社会环境、弘扬社会正气,深化大学生道德责任社会实践等对培养大学生的道德责任意识都具有积极地推动作用。加强高校道德责任教育、努力使大学生的价值取向符合社会现实的需要,注重大学生道德责任判断与推理能力的培养,创造良好的校园文化环境;家庭教育要加强对大学生成才过程中良好行为习惯的培养,并将其贯彻始终。大学生自身也应不断加强自律感和心理调试能力。将这些措施形成教育合力,对提高大学生道德责任意识具有重要作用。
[Abstract]:With the development of contemporary social economy and the change of living environment, the phenomenon of the decline of moral responsibility consciousness has been paid more attention to the whole society, and moral responsibility education has become a very urgent task. The moral responsibility consciousness and sense of responsibility of college students directly affect the direction of social progress and the future development of the motherland, and the cultivation of moral responsibility consciousness of contemporary college students has a long way to go. Therefore, as a kind of higher intellectual, all kinds of universities should put moral responsibility education in an important position. Citizens have a certain freedom to choose their behavior in the real society, so they must bear the corresponding morality The moral responsibility is the responsibility that people should bear against their behavior, which means the moral behavior and morality that the moral subject should choose in certain social relations. An obligation. A person with noble morality must be consciously practicing moral responsibility Although there are no clear laws or provisions to regulate moral responsibility, the moral responsibility is still an important constraint to people's behavior. The moral responsibility consciousness is the sense of responsibility, and it is the initiative to take responsibility for the individual's actions and actions. Self-discipline consciousness. Social behavior with noble moral value is recognized by the masses. It is because of the strong responsibility for the state, the society and the collective responsibility. Strong sense of responsibility. College students with high moral responsibility consciousness are undoubtedly required by the development of modern society However, because of the negative impact of our country's social transformation, the development of economy and the change of living environment, people's way of thinking and consciousness of consciousness also Influenced by the weakening of family education, the imperfection of moral education system in colleges and universities, and the incomplete construction of the world outlook, outlook on life and values of young students, the moral responsibility consciousness of college students is affected The most outstanding is the light of moral responsibility consciousness. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to explore how to strengthen moral responsibility consciousness of college students. On the basis of literature, individual interviews and other research methods, the paper takes the moral responsibility consciousness of college students as the research object, probes into the social background of the lack of moral responsibility of college students, and serves as the combination of college instructors. On the basis of the practice of self-education, the author summarizes the enhancement of college students' channels. The countermeasure of moral responsibility consciousness, based on the above thought This paper consists of three parts: the first part: through consulting a large number of documents, combining the cultural differences between the east and the west, tracing the origin of moral responsibility, It defines the differences and links between the concepts and concepts of morality, responsibility, moral responsibility, moral responsibility of college students and moral responsibility consciousness of college students; the university stage is not only the critical period for the growth of young people in the whole life, but also It is the key period of college students' continuous socialization, and the moral responsibility education of college students is also strengthened. The urgent task of moral construction in social transition is to strengthen the moral responsibility education of college students, which is the urgent requirement of the realistic society, which is the important support of college students' growth and development, and it is also the important content of moral education in colleges and universities. The realistic meaning of moral responsibility education is explained. The second part: from the angle of society, school, family and so on, it concretely analyzes the problems in moral responsibility education: economic system revolution The moral responsibility education of college students is very harmful to the students' moral responsibility education, and the original education function of the family education is greatly discounted, and the college students themselves lack self-responsibility. The problems such as consciousness, self-discipline and so on are becoming more and more obvious. In view of the above problems, it is concluded that there is a decline in the moral responsibility of college students: the decline of the whole society's moral construction, the neglect of students' moral responsibility education and construction, the family does not attach importance to morality. Responsibility education, college students lack correct self-cognition. Part three: From social environment, university education, family education and self-education It is well known that a good social environment plays an important role in shaping the personality of college students, creating a good social environment, carrying forward social ethics, deepening the practice of college students' moral responsibility and social practice, etc. The moral responsibility consciousness of college students has an active role in promoting the education of moral responsibility in colleges and universities, and tries to make the value orientation of college students conform to the needs of social reality, pay attention to the cultivation of college students' moral responsibility judgment and reasoning ability, create a good campus culture environment, and family education. Strengthening the Development of College Students The cultivation of good behavior habits in the process and keep it constant. Students should also strengthen their sense of self-discipline and psychological commissioning themselves.


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