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发布时间:2018-10-29 14:56
【摘要】:“三农”问题的日益突出阻碍了社会主义新农村建设的发展,而高等农业院校的首要任务是为农村社会发展输送优秀的农业科技人才,所以对于“三农”问题的解决,高等农业院校所担负的责任重大。就目前而言,我国高等农业院校人才培养模式在探索中不断创新,为社会培养了大量高层次应用型、复合型人才但是由于种种原因,目前我国高等农业院校农业科技人才的培养还远远落后于现实需求,这在一定程度上制约了我国经济的发展和社会的进步。 本文的研究对象是我国高等农业院校农业科技人才培养模式。文章从我国农村社会发展和高等农业教育的现实背景出发,参考国内外研究文献,界定相关概念;介绍了我国高等农业教育和农业科技人才培养的现状,并对高等农业院校具有代表性的农业人才培养模式的内涵及特点进行简要叙述,从中发现我国农业科技才培养模式目前存在着政策保障与资金投入不足、培养目标定位模糊、人才培养机制不够科学、人文教育缺失、对实践教学重视不够、教学方法和教学手段单一等诸多问题;通过系统地分析国内外农业科技人才培养的理论和实践,探讨国外发达国家如美国等国的农业人才培养模式并总结其可借鉴的实践经验;通过上述研究,在人才培养目标、人才管理与考核机制、人才培养环境、高等农业院校办学特色、师资队伍建设、教育教学方法、“产学研”结合、政策与资金保障等方面提出完善我国高等农业院校农业科技人才培养模式的具体对策。
[Abstract]:The problem of "agriculture, countryside and farmers" is becoming more and more prominent, which hinders the development of new socialist countryside, and the primary task of agricultural colleges and universities is to transport outstanding agricultural science and technology talents for the development of rural society, so the solution to the problem of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", Higher agricultural colleges and universities bear a heavy responsibility. At present, the mode of personnel training in agricultural colleges and universities in our country has been innovating constantly in the course of exploration, which has trained a large number of high-level applied and compound talents for the society, but for various reasons, At present, the cultivation of agricultural science and technology talents in agricultural colleges and universities in our country lags far behind the actual demand, which to some extent restricts the development of our economy and the progress of our society. The research object of this paper is the training mode of agricultural science and technology talents in agricultural colleges and universities of our country. Based on the realistic background of rural social development and higher agricultural education in China, this paper defines the relevant concepts by referring to the domestic and foreign research literature. This paper introduces the present situation of higher agricultural education and cultivation of agricultural science and technology talents in our country, and briefly describes the connotation and characteristics of the representative agricultural talents training mode in agricultural colleges and universities. It is found that there are insufficient policy guarantee and fund investment in the training mode of agricultural science and technology in our country at present, the orientation of training objectives is vague, the training mechanism of talents is not scientific, the humanistic education is lacking, and the practical teaching is not paid enough attention to. Many problems such as the single teaching method and teaching method; Through the systematic analysis of the theory and practice of agricultural science and technology personnel training at home and abroad, this paper discusses the agricultural talent training mode of developed countries such as the United States and summarizes the practical experience that can be used for reference. Through the above research, in the talent training goal, the talent management and the examination mechanism, the talented person training environment, the higher agricultural university school characteristic, the teacher troop construction, the education teaching method, "the production, the university research" union, In the aspects of policy and fund guarantee, the author puts forward some concrete countermeasures to perfect the training mode of agricultural science and technology talents in higher agricultural colleges and universities in China.


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