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发布时间:2018-11-09 15:09
[Abstract]:With the development of the times and the innovation of information and communication technology, distance higher education is flourishing and playing an increasingly important role in the social and economic development. The social and economic benefits brought by distance higher education students who master autonomous learning ability also make more and more people join in distance learning. The origin of distance higher education in Zimbabwe was earlier but the development was slow. After the establishment of the new government in 1980, great progress was made, and the establishment of Zimbabwe Open University made the distance higher education in Zimbabwe enter a new stage of development. This paper introduces the historical development and present situation of distance higher education in Zimbabwe, and makes a case study of Zimbabwe Open University, and points out the future development prospect of distance higher education. The paper is divided into six parts, the introduction part includes the question raising and the research significance, the core concept definition, the domestic and foreign literature review and the research thought method introduction. The second part introduces the stage of development of distance higher education in Zimbabwe. Moreover, the colonial apartheid education system restricted access to education for the majority of the population. In 1980, the new Government established a new government to comprehensively promote the development of education, and existing institutions of higher education were unable to meet the rapidly increasing demand for higher education. This provides an opportunity for the development of distance higher education. Since the new century, with the rapid development of science and technology, distance higher education has entered a rapid development stage. The third part analyzes the current development of distance higher education in Zimbabwe. As an education system parallel to the formal education system, the purpose of distance higher education is to provide education for the previously uneducated and disadvantaged groups. Distance higher education expands the enrollment rate of higher education by expanding the student resource, effectively improves the quality of education, reduces the teaching cost under the condition of limited resources, and promotes the all-round cultivation of talents. The fourth part focuses on Zimbabwe Open University. As the only distance education and open learning institution in Zimbabwe to provide degree education, the Open University of Zimbabwe uses a print media based distance learning model to provide a wide range of disciplines and specialties. Has the perfect management mechanism and the quality assurance mechanism. Its teaching scale is expanding continuously, which effectively alleviates the gender inequality in higher education, improves the teaching quality step by step, and has great potential and space for future development. The fifth part points out the current challenges of distance education in Zimbabwe, including the shortage of external funds, inadequate infrastructure and brain drain, and the shortage of internal high-quality teaching staff. Faced with information and communication technology restrictions and student dropout rates, distance higher education in Zimbabwe needs to strengthen government intervention and develop employee retention strategies. Promote the introduction and application of information and communication technology and gradually improve the school operation model. The sixth part is the conclusion part, summarizes the development of distance higher education in Zimbabwe, and points out that under the impact of the current advanced distance teaching model in the world, we should improve our own teaching model on the basis of reference and absorption. To realize the sustainable development of distance higher education.


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