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发布时间:2018-11-09 16:48
【摘要】:追求幸福是人类社会的永恒主题。然而,对于什么是幸福,怎样追求幸福,不同的人会有不同的诠释。伴随着改革开放的深入发展与社会主义市场经济体制的确立,西方拜金主义、享乐主义、个人主义等不良思潮的簇拥而至,异化了一些人对于幸福的理解与追求。良好的幸福观并不是“先天”生成的,它也需要“后天”科学的教育与精心的培养。农业院校大学生是党和国家重点培养的高层次农业人才,是未来化解我国“三农”问题的生力军,是构建和谐社会的中坚力量。因此,开展好农业院校大学生的幸福观教育,培养他们树立科学的、理性的幸福观,提升他们感知与创造幸福的能力,对于他们人生幸福生活的建构乃至整个社会的和谐发展都具有重大的意义。 对农业院校大学生幸福观的测评和教育,已成为高校思想政治理论教育及其工作的重要组成部分和重点课题之一。以马克思主义幸福观为指导,综合运用思想政治教育学中的相关理论以及社会学、统计学、教育学等相关知识,对农业院校大学生的幸福观教育做出了细致的研究与探索,构成了研究的基本思路。文章具体分为四个部分:第一部分总结了幸福、幸福观、幸福观教育的涵义,阐述了幸福的分类,列举了古今中外思想家对于幸福的理解与认识,,首先对什么是幸福观教育作了界定。第二部分论述了为什么开展幸福观教育,即加强大学生幸福观教育的意义:加强大学生幸福观教育有利于促进大学生的全面发展;有利于促进高校思想政治教育工作的完善发展;有利于促进社会主义社会的和谐发展。第三部分剖析了在幸福观及其幸福观教育中存在的问题及其成因,明确幸福观教育的实践基础。通过问卷调查与访谈的方法,分别从农业院校大学生的幸福感评价、幸福预期、幸福目标取向、幸福实现途径、创造幸福能力、幸福观认知状况等方面总结了农业院校大学生幸福观及其幸福观教育上存在的一些突出问题,并指出这些问题的出现,是由社会道德危机与西方价值观念的负面影响、学校德育教育的局限、家庭教育的失当等因素所导致的。第四部分对如何开展幸福观教育进行了探讨,即进一步阐述了加强农业院校大学生幸福观教育的途径:构建科学的幸福观教育内容体系;拓展多样的幸福观教育实践路径;提高大学生思想道德修养;优化幸福观教育环境。
[Abstract]:The pursuit of happiness is the eternal theme of human society. However, for what is happiness, how to pursue happiness, different people will have different interpretations. Along with the deepening development of reform and opening up and the establishment of socialist market economy system, western money worship, hedonism, individualism and other undesirable trends of thought have surrounded them, alienating some people's understanding and pursuit of happiness. A good view of happiness is not born, it also needs scientific education and careful cultivation. Agricultural college students are high level agricultural talents trained by the Party and the state. They are the new force to solve the problems of agriculture, countryside and farmers in the future, and the backbone of constructing a harmonious society. Therefore, we should carry out the education of happiness for agricultural college students, train them to establish a scientific and rational view of happiness, and enhance their ability to perceive and create happiness. It is of great significance to the construction of their happy life and the harmonious development of the whole society. The evaluation and education of college students' concept of happiness has become an important part and one of the key tasks of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. Under the guidance of Marxist concept of happiness, the author makes a detailed research and exploration on the education of happiness for agricultural college students by using the relevant theories in ideological and political education, sociology, statistics, pedagogy and so on. Constitute the basic thinking of the study. The article is divided into four parts: the first part summarizes the meaning of happiness, the concept of happiness education, expounds the classification of happiness, enumerates the ancient and modern thinkers' understanding and understanding of happiness. First of all, what is the concept of happiness education has been defined. The second part discusses why to develop the concept of happiness education, that is, to strengthen the concept of happiness education of college students: strengthening the concept of happiness education is conducive to promoting the overall development of college students; It is beneficial to the perfect development of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, and to the harmonious development of socialist society. The third part analyzes the existing problems and causes in the concept of happiness and its education, and clarifies the practical basis of the concept of happiness education. Through the method of questionnaire and interview, from the agricultural college students' happiness evaluation, happiness expectation, happiness goal orientation, happiness realization way, create happiness ability, respectively, This paper summarizes some outstanding problems in the concept of happiness of agricultural college students and its education, and points out that the emergence of these problems is caused by the social moral crisis and the negative influence of western values. The limitation of moral education in school and the malpractice of family education. The fourth part discusses how to develop the concept of happiness education, that is, further elaborated the ways to strengthen the concept of happiness education for agricultural college students: to build a scientific content system of happiness concept education; Improve the ideological and moral cultivation of college students; optimize the educational environment of happiness.


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