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发布时间:2018-12-08 16:59
【摘要】:过去的百余年中,人类对飞速增长的物质财富给予了过多的关注,现在我们才意识到,阳光、水和空气才是一切生命发展的基础。如今,我们应通过生态道德教育重塑人类对自然的敬畏感、责任感。然而长期以来,我国高校的生态道德教育忽视了对学生情感的培养,导致学生对生态道德只有理论上的认识,没有情感上的共鸣。其实,生态道德情感的培养在生态道德教育中具有不可替代的作用,它是指人们对环境现状、生态行为及事件的内心体验和评价,主要包括生态敬畏感、荣辱感、责任感、正义感、亲和感等内容。 本文立足于生态道德情感,利用问卷调查等形式,对我国相关高校大学生的生态道德情感发展现状,以及高校的培养情况进行了深入了解,基于调查结果的统计数据,笔者发现我国大学生生态道德情感存在诸多问题,,具有一定的空泛性、内隐性、矛盾性、浅显性,高校对大学生生态道德情感的培养重视度不够,缺少科学的培养体系及互动平台。鉴于以上问题,笔者借鉴环境学、心理学等相关学科的研究成果,通过文献法、逻辑归纳法,提出高校应通过理论教育、心理教育、实践教育、文化培养、评估机制健全等方面,加强对学生生态敬畏感、荣辱感、责任感、正义感、亲和感的培养。 本论文的主体内容共分五部分:第一部分,提出了培养大学生生态道德情感的背景及意义,同时对中西方生态道德情感的理论研究作了简要综述,为论文的进一步展开提供了思想基础;第二部分,从情感、道德情感以及道德情感教育等角度出发,对生态道德情感的基本概念进行了重点分析,并从中西方生态伦理研究的角度出发,对生态道德情感理论的历史沿革作了简要论述,为论文观点的提出奠定了理论基础;第三部分,通过调查分析的方法,对我国高校生态道德情感培养的现状及相关原因作了简要分析;第四部分,针对调查得出的问题,提出高校生态道德情感培养的主要内容,包括生态敬畏感、荣辱感、责任感、正义感、亲和感五部分;第五部分,笔者从培养路径的角度出发探讨相关对策,提出加强大学生生态道德情感的培养,应以课堂教育、心理教育、实践活动、校园文化为途径,以评估机制为保障。
[Abstract]:Over the past hundred years, human beings have paid too much attention to the rapid growth of material wealth. Now we realize that sunlight, water and air are the foundation of all life. Nowadays, we should rebuild the sense of reverence and responsibility of man to nature through ecological moral education. However, for a long time, the ecological moral education in colleges and universities in our country has neglected the cultivation of students' emotion, which leads to the students only having a theoretical understanding of ecological morality and no emotional resonance. In fact, the cultivation of ecological moral emotion plays an irreplaceable role in ecological moral education. It refers to people's inner experience and evaluation of environmental status, ecological behavior and events, mainly including a sense of ecological awe, a sense of honor and disgrace, and a sense of responsibility. Sense of justice, affinity, etc. Based on the ecological moral emotion, this paper makes a deep understanding of the current situation of the development of the ecological moral emotion of the college students and the cultivation of the university, based on the statistical data based on the results of the investigation. The author finds that there are many problems in the ecological moral emotion of college students in our country, which are vague, implicit, contradictory and obvious, and the cultivation of college students' ecological moral emotion is not paid enough attention to in colleges and universities. Lack of scientific training system and interactive platform. In view of the above problems, the author draws lessons from the research results of environmental science, psychology and other related disciplines, through the method of literature, logical induction, puts forward that colleges and universities should pass through theoretical education, psychological education, practical education, cultural training, Strengthen the cultivation of students' sense of ecological awe, honor and disgrace, sense of responsibility, sense of justice and affinity. The main content of this thesis is divided into five parts: the first part puts forward the background and significance of cultivating college students' ecological moral emotion, and at the same time makes a brief summary of the theoretical research of ecological moral emotion in China and the West. It provides the ideological foundation for the further development of the thesis. The second part, from the angle of emotion, moral emotion and moral emotion education, analyzes the basic concept of ecological moral emotion, and starts from the angle of the study of ecological ethics between China and the West. The historical evolution of the theory of ecological moral emotion is briefly discussed, which lays a theoretical foundation for the point of view of the thesis. The third part, through the investigation analysis method, has made the brief analysis to our country university ecology morals emotion cultivation present situation and the correlation reason; The fourth part puts forward the main contents of the cultivation of ecological moral emotion in colleges and universities, including the sense of ecological awe, sense of honor and disgrace, sense of responsibility, sense of justice, sense of affinity; In the fifth part, the author discusses the relevant countermeasures from the angle of cultivation path, and puts forward that to strengthen the cultivation of college students' ecological moral emotion, we should take classroom education, psychological education, practical activities and campus culture as the way, and take the evaluation mechanism as the guarantee.


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