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发布时间:2018-12-10 10:06
【摘要】:和谐社会是党在社会转型期提出具有特定内容的社会目标。校园作为社会的重要组成部分,因此,构建和谐校园对和谐社会的构建有着特殊的作用,对我国教育事业的发展有着特殊的意义。但是,随着时代的发展和高校招生规模逐年扩大,大学生的管理问题已经成为和谐校园建设的最要问题之一。90后大学生是指1990年到1999年年底出生并进入大学进行教育的中国公民。自2008年起,90后学生开始陆续进入大学接受高等教育,90后大学生在在校大学生中的比重逐渐增大,90后大学生作为大学校园的新兴力量,有着与其他年龄段大学生不同的特点,,因此,对于高校来说,若不对90后大学生进行正确的价值观引导和管理,不仅会影响90后大学生自身的成长、发展,更会严重影响到整个大学生群体的进步及和谐校园的建设。而目前的管理在组织结构、相关制度和资助方式等方面还有一定的缺陷。关爱90后大学生群体是新世纪建设和谐校园的重要工作。 20世纪80年代产生的和谐管理理论认为:管理问题的有效解决措施无法简单的将主观情感的一面归结或转化为客观科学的一面,也就是说,管理必须遵循两个规则,用优化思路解决客观科学的一面,从主观感情的角度解决不确定性的一面,并通过种种方式,将其更加科学的结合起来,从而提高整体的效率。将前者称为管理的“谐则”,后者称为管理的“和则”,两者相互结合便为“和谐”。本文基于和谐管理理论,并结合新时期高校管理的具体情况和90后大学生自身特点,对90后大学生的管理问题进行相应的探讨,以期促进高校管理工作的顺利进行,丰富和谐管理理论的实践性意义。 本文系统运用了文献法、演绎法和案例法等研究方法,首先确定了相应的和谐主题——90后大学生及其管理再通过演绎推理将和谐管理理论应用于实践中解决不和谐问题,通过注重思想道德教育,加强大学生的道德意识;建立和谐人际关系,提高大学生的社会适应能力;树立以人为本的观念,帮助90后大学生积极回馈社会;优化高校相应的组织结构,系统落实90后大学生的管理工作;完善相应的管理制度,提高90后大学生的管理质量;并通过开展心理咨询、心理辅导的方式,充分了解90后大学生的心理情况。最后创建相应的和谐管理模式并将预想的管理效果以图表的形式更加直观地展示出来。
[Abstract]:Harmonious society is the social goal with specific content put forward by the Party in the social transition period. Campus as an important part of society, therefore, the construction of a harmonious campus for the construction of a harmonious society has a special role in the development of education in China has a special significance. However, with the development of the times and the expansion of the enrollment scale of colleges and universities, The management of college students has become one of the most important problems in the construction of harmonious campus. The post-90s college students are Chinese citizens who were born from 1990 to the end of 1999 and entered university for education. Since 2008, the post-90s students began to enter the university to receive higher education one after another, the proportion of post-90s students in the college students gradually increased, post-90s college students as a new strength of the university campus, It has different characteristics from other age groups. Therefore, for colleges and universities, if they are not guided and managed by correct values, it will not only affect the growth and development of post-90s college students. Will seriously affect the progress of the entire group of college students and the construction of a harmonious campus. The current management in the organizational structure, related systems and funding methods and so on there are certain shortcomings. Caring for the post-1990 college students is an important task in building a harmonious campus in the new century. The harmonious management theory that emerged in the 1980s holds that the effective measures to solve management problems cannot simply reduce or transform the subjective emotional side into the objective scientific side, that is, the management must follow two rules. The objective scientific side is solved by optimizing thinking, and the uncertain side is solved from the angle of subjective emotion, and through various ways, it is more scientifically combined to improve the overall efficiency. The former is called "harmonious rule" of management, the latter is called "harmony" of management. Based on the theory of harmonious management, combined with the concrete situation of university management in the new period and the characteristics of post-90s college students, this paper probes into the management problems of post-90s college students in order to promote the smooth progress of university management. Enrich the practical significance of harmonious management theory. This paper systematically uses the methods of literature, deduction and case law to determine the corresponding theme of harmony, that is, the post-90s college students and their management, and then applies the theory of harmonious management to solve the problem of disharmony in practice through deductive reasoning. To strengthen the moral consciousness of college students by paying attention to ideological and moral education; Establishing harmonious interpersonal relationship and improving college students' ability to adapt to society; Set up the idea of people-oriented, help the post-90s college students to give back to the society actively, optimize the corresponding organizational structure of the university, carry out the management work of the post-90s college students systematically, perfect the corresponding management system, improve the management quality of the post-90s college students; And through the way of psychological counseling and psychological counseling, fully understand the psychological situation of post-1990 college students. Finally, the corresponding harmonious management model is created and the desired management effect is displayed more intuitively in the form of charts.


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