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发布时间:2018-12-10 10:48
【摘要】:伴随着全球化进程的推进,无论是政治、经济还是文化领域都经历着巨大的变革,高等教育领域也不例外。高等教育的国际化使得高校需要培养国际型创新人才,其关键在于建立一支具有高水平国际化的教师队伍。当前,我国高校教师队伍整体国际化程度较低,不仅受到学校体制机制上的制约,同时也受到教师自身因素的影响。这些矛盾主要集中于以下几个根本性问题:什么是教师的国际化?教师国际化的影响因素是什么?如何能更有效地促进我国高校教师国际化建设? 通过这一系列问题的提出,在全球地方化理论和理性选择理论的基础上,笔者随机抽取华中科技大学的教师群体展开实证问卷调查,在数据研究的基础上考察当前我国高水平院校教师国际化在现象层面表现出来的矛盾性特征,进而针对上述研究结论提出改善目前教师国际化建设的路径主张。 本研究将分为五个部分进行论述: 第一部分为绪论,是对研究的缘起和意义进行介绍,对教师国际化研究的思路与方法进行综述。 第二部分为文献综述,首先是对主要概念的概述,进而对当前教师国际化问题进行全面梳理,分别从国家、高校和教师自身层面进行解读。在此基础上,针对华中科技大学国际化进行概述,尤其针对教师国际化建设现状进行了综述。 第三部分,主要是设计针对华中科技大学教师群体国际化现状的问卷。主要包括研究方法、理论依据和问卷信度、效度的检验。 第四部分,是基于问卷数据结果,对华中科技大学的教师群体国际化现状的研究。按照教师参与国际化程度的不同,将教师群体分为四个不同的维度,即在国外进行科研或教学,也在学校的教学和科研中融入了国际化议题;曾在国外进行科研或教学;虽未出国,但在学校的教学和科研中融入了国际化议题;未曾出国,也未在学校的教学和科研中融入了国际化议题。然后,分别对这四个维度的教师数据进行描述性分析、相关分析和因子分析,进而解读出不同群体间的差异原因和影响因素。 第五部分为结论和建议。通过总体分析,得出影响不同维度的教师国际化活动的因素有:国际科研和国际教学活动的地区、国际性研究的文献资料、教学国际化中的方法、科研成果被国外采用情况、学校促进教师国际化的经费举措、参加国际学术会议、课程国际化、学生的国际化。虽然不同群体的影响因素不尽相同,但教学和科研国际化、具备国际化意识是教师国际化过程中影响较大的两个因素。最后,依据全球地方化理论和理性选择理论,,同时基于研究数据结论提出相应改善我国高校教师国际化建设的几点意见。
[Abstract]:With the advancement of globalization, political, economic and cultural fields are undergoing tremendous changes, and the field of higher education is no exception. The internationalization of higher education makes it necessary for colleges and universities to cultivate international innovative talents, the key of which is to establish a contingent of teachers with a high level of internationalization. At present, the overall internationalization of teachers in colleges and universities in China is relatively low, which is not only restricted by the school system and mechanism, but also influenced by the teachers themselves. These contradictions mainly focus on the following fundamental questions: what is the internationalization of teachers? What are the factors affecting the internationalization of teachers? How to promote the internationalization of college teachers more effectively? On the basis of global localization theory and rational choice theory, the author randomly selected the teachers of Huazhong University of Science and Technology to carry out a questionnaire survey. On the basis of data research, this paper investigates the contradictory characteristics of teachers' internationalization in high-level colleges and universities in our country at present, and then puts forward the path to improve the construction of teachers' internationalization in view of the above research conclusions. This research will be divided into five parts: the first part is an introduction, is to introduce the origin and significance of the study, to summarize the ideas and methods of teachers' internationalization research. The second part is the literature review. Firstly, it summarizes the main concepts, and then comprehensively combs the current problems of teachers internationalization, respectively from the state, universities and teachers themselves. On this basis, the internationalization of Huazhong University of Science and Technology is summarized, especially the status quo of teachers' internationalization. The third part is to design a questionnaire for the internationalization of teachers in Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Mainly includes the research method, the theory basis and the questionnaire reliability, the validity test. The fourth part, based on the results of questionnaire, studies the internationalization of teachers in Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Huazhong University of Science and Technology). According to the different degree of teachers' participation in internationalization, the group of teachers is divided into four different dimensions: scientific research or teaching in foreign countries, integration of internationalization issues in teaching and research in schools, scientific research or teaching abroad; Although it has not gone abroad, it has incorporated international issues into the teaching and scientific research of the school; it has not gone abroad, nor has it incorporated the internationalization issue into the teaching and research of the school. Then, descriptive analysis, correlation analysis and factor analysis are carried out on the teacher data of the four dimensions, and then the reasons and influencing factors of the differences among different groups are analyzed. The fifth part is the conclusion and recommendation. Through the overall analysis, it is concluded that the factors influencing the internationalization of teachers in different dimensions are: the region of international scientific research and international teaching activities, the literature of international research, the methods in teaching internationalization, the situation of scientific research achievements being adopted by foreign countries. Schools promote the internationalization of teachers, participation in international academic conferences, curriculum internationalization, internationalization of students. Although the influencing factors of different groups are different, the internationalization of teaching and scientific research and the internationalization consciousness are the two factors that have great influence in the process of teachers' internationalization. Finally, according to the theory of global localization and rational choice theory, and based on the conclusion of the research data, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the internationalization of college teachers in China.


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