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发布时间:2018-12-10 20:31
【摘要】:新品格教育是美国的一种重要道德教育形式,在美国德育史上曾发挥过重要的作用。尽管中美在社会制度、价值观念等方面不同,在学生道德教育的内容和方法上也各有特色,但美国新品格教育在强调学校与家庭、社区的相互配合,以促进青少年良好品格形成过程中所取得的经验对我国高校道德教育的改革具有重要的借鉴意义,而其不足之处也需我们高度重视,以防重蹈覆辙。 本文共分为五部分,第一章简要介绍了美国新品格教育的概况,主要包括美国新品格教育产生的背景和主要内容等;第二章是对美国新品格教育的评价,总体上探讨了美国新品格教育的积极价值和局限性;第三章在第二章的基础上,,探讨了美国新品格教育对我国高校道德教育的借鉴价值及加强我国高校道德教育的具体策略。
[Abstract]:New character education is an important form of moral education in the United States and has played an important role in the history of American moral education. Although China and the United States have different social systems and values, and have their own characteristics in the content and methods of moral education for students, the new character education in the United States emphasizes the mutual cooperation among schools, families, and communities. The experience gained in the process of promoting the formation of young people's good character is of great significance to the reform of moral education in colleges and universities in our country, and its shortcomings should be highly valued so as to prevent from repeating the same mistakes. This paper is divided into five parts. The first chapter briefly introduces the general situation of the new character education in America, including the background and main content of the new character education in the United States. The second chapter is the evaluation of the new character education in the United States, which discusses the positive value and limitation of the new character education in the United States. On the basis of the second chapter, the third chapter discusses the reference value of the American new character education to the moral education in our country and the concrete strategy of strengthening the moral education in our country.


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