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发布时间:2018-12-10 21:33
【摘要】:高等教育质量是高等教育的生命线,也是高等教育研究的一个永恒主题,更是我国高等教育步入大众化阶段后所面临的热点问题。随着高等教育迈入大众化的门槛,与之同时,高等教育地方化也取得了突破性进展,地方高校已成高等教育领域的主力军,提高地方高校的教育质量也越来越引起社会各方面的广泛关注。因此,研究高等教育地方化背景下省级高等教育质量监控问题应成为重要课题。本文内容主要包括以下几个部分: 第一部分为绪论,简要介绍了选题缘由及意义,相关概念的界定,研究现状,研究方法,研究目标与思路。 第二部分对高等教育质量形成机理进行分析,通过分析影响高等教育质量的主要因素,包括教师、学生、家长、社会、政府、教学基础设施设备等以及它们之间的相互关系,揭示高等教育质量形成机理。 第三部分探讨省级教育行政部门在高等教育质量管理中的角色,通过分析省级教育行政部门在高等教育质量管理中的主要职责,进而确定省级教育行政部门在高等教育质量管理中的角色。 第四部分以广西为例分析省级教育行政部门对高等教育质量监控的状况。 第五部分提出了省级高等教育质量监控策略,主要包括建立高等教育质量管理体系文件、建立人才培养质量分类标准、进行评估监控、进行督导监控、开展审核认证以及实行教学基本状态数据公布等几个方面。
[Abstract]:The quality of higher education is not only the lifeline of higher education, but also an eternal theme of higher education research. With the entry of higher education into the threshold of popularization, at the same time, the localization of higher education has also made a breakthrough, local colleges and universities have become the main force in the field of higher education. To improve the quality of education in local colleges and universities has attracted more and more attention from all aspects of society. Therefore, it should be an important subject to study the quality control of provincial higher education under the background of localizing higher education. This paper mainly includes the following parts: the first part is the introduction, briefly introduces the reason and significance of the topic, the definition of related concepts, research status, research methods, research objectives and ideas. The second part analyzes the formation mechanism of higher education quality, including teachers, students, parents, society, government, teaching infrastructure equipment, and the relationship between them, by analyzing the main factors affecting the quality of higher education, including teachers, students, parents, society, government, teaching infrastructure equipment and so on. To reveal the formation mechanism of higher education quality. The third part discusses the role of provincial educational administrative departments in higher education quality management, and analyzes the main responsibilities of provincial educational administrative departments in higher education quality management. And then determine the role of provincial educational administration in the quality management of higher education. The fourth part takes Guangxi as an example to analyze the situation of provincial administrative department of education to monitor the quality of higher education. The fifth part puts forward the quality control strategy of provincial higher education, which includes establishing the documents of higher education quality management system, establishing the classification standard of talent training quality, evaluating and monitoring, supervising and controlling. Carry out audit and certification as well as the implementation of teaching basic state data publication and so on several aspects.


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