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发布时间:2018-12-14 03:46
【摘要】:随着教育对外开放程度的加深和国际影响力的增强,来华留学生教育已成为我国高等教育的一项重要内容。教学工作作为留学生工作的关键环节,其质量的好坏不仅是衡量高校整体教育水平的重要指标,更关系着我国留学生事业的发展和国际声誉的维护。近年来,来华求学的外国学生数量激增,但是相对松散的管理模式和参差不齐的教学理念严重影响了教育质量的提高和教育品牌的创建。因此我国高校亟需提出一些切实可行的方案来解决这一问题。此外,由于留学生在国别、语言以及宗教信仰等方面存在诸多差异,导致其对教学质量存在不同的需求与感知。因此,研究留学生文化差异对教学质量感知的影响,探讨高校如何因材施教并建立一套科学合理的教学及管理模式,不仅是对现有高等教育理论的进一步挖掘和延伸,更对高校教学质量的完善与提升具有积极的实践意义。 本文第一部分对国内外学者在高等教育问题上的相关研究进行了梳理与总结,并提出了文章的研究方法,包括文献研究法、问卷调查法、统计分析法及个案研究法。第二部分对文化、教学质量等相关概念进行了界定,同时重点分析和归纳了我国来华留学生的教育发展现状:数量快速发展但生源地和高校分布不均匀;学习层次逐年提升但高层次学历教育发展缓慢;学习专业门类日趋丰富但语言生占比依然偏高;来华留学生管理日趋完善但质量管理意识较薄弱;教学环节管理力度不够导致教学质量问题丛生等。第三部分提出研究假设并对教学质量测评因素进行归纳分析。第四部分从研究假设出发进行问卷设计,对回收数据采用SPSS17.0进行统计分析,主要进行了因子分析、数据的有效性和可信度分析、显著性检验。经过因素分析,确定了教学内容、教学过程、教学管理、教学设施、教学结果五个测评维度。数据的信度和效度分析结果显示,收集的数据具有较高的信度和效度。通过显著性检验对假设进行验证,结果显示不同国籍、不同母语以及不同宗教的在华留学生对教育服务质量的感知不同,不同基本属性的在华留学生对教学质量感知差异并不明显,不同学习目的和不同学习基础的在华留学生对教学质量感知存在差异。基于实证结果,本研究在第五部分以文化差异为切入点,从政策、教育机构以及留管部门三个层面提出改进留学生教学质量的建议,并在最后一部分对文章结论、创新点以及研究局限予以阐述。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of education opening to the outside world and the enhancement of international influence, the education of foreign students in China has become an important part of higher education in China. As the key link of foreign students' work, the quality of teaching work is not only an important index to measure the overall education level of colleges and universities, but also related to the development of international students' cause and the maintenance of international reputation in our country. In recent years, the number of foreign students to study in China has increased sharply, but the relatively loose management mode and the uneven teaching concept have seriously affected the improvement of education quality and the establishment of educational brand. Therefore, colleges and universities in China urgently need to put forward some practical solutions to solve this problem. In addition, there are many differences in different countries, languages and religious beliefs among foreign students, which leads to their different needs and perceptions of teaching quality. Therefore, to study the influence of foreign students' cultural differences on the perception of teaching quality, to explore how to teach students according to their aptitude and to establish a set of scientific and reasonable teaching and management mode is not only a further exploration and extension of the existing theories of higher education. Moreover, it has positive practical significance for the improvement and promotion of teaching quality in colleges and universities. In the first part of this paper, the related research on higher education of domestic and foreign scholars is summarized, and the research methods are put forward, including literature research, questionnaire survey, statistical analysis and case study. The second part defines the related concepts such as culture and teaching quality. At the same time, it analyzes and sums up the current situation of the educational development of Chinese students in China: the number of students has developed rapidly, but the distribution of places of origin and universities is uneven; The learning level is rising year by year, but the high-level academic education is developing slowly; the category of study major is becoming richer but the proportion of language students is still on the high side; the management of foreign students in China is improving day by day, but the consciousness of quality management is relatively weak; Insufficient management of teaching links leads to problems in teaching quality. The third part puts forward the research hypothesis and induces and analyzes the factors of teaching quality evaluation. The fourth part carries on the questionnaire design from the research hypothesis, uses the SPSS17.0 to carry on the statistical analysis to the recovered data, mainly carries on the factor analysis, the data validity and the credibility analysis, the significance test. Through factor analysis, five dimensions of teaching content, teaching process, teaching management, teaching facilities and teaching results are determined. The results of reliability and validity analysis show that the collected data have high reliability and validity. The hypothesis is verified by significance test. The results show that students of different nationalities, different mother tongue and different religions in China have different perceptions of the quality of education service. There is no significant difference in the perception of teaching quality among the students in China with different basic attributes, but there are differences in the perception of teaching quality among the students with different learning objectives and different learning bases. Based on the empirical results, the fifth part of the study from the point of view of cultural differences, from the policy, educational institutions and management departments to improve the quality of foreign students teaching recommendations, and in the last part of the article conclusions. Innovative points and research limitations to be elaborated.


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