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发布时间:2018-12-15 21:23
【摘要】:教育是第一生产力,一个国家的教育水平是该国家综合国力及国民素质的终极体现。我国的教育水平在国际水平稍显弱势,全球排名前100的高校,我国仅2-3所,这对于一个有着十几亿人口的大国是明显不匹配的。只有优秀的教育,才能提供优秀的人力资源,进一步影响到国民素质的提高与国家振兴。我国对教育的支持力度不断加大,近年来,对于高校教育的重点转移到了高校教育质量上,而高校教师在提升教育质量上占有很重要的位置。如何促进高校教师的工作效率一直以来是各方学者研究的重点,高校教师作为知识性员工,投入与成绩都很难量化,如何促进其认同感,提升其自主工作的能力是提升效率的有效途径,,这就为本文研究高校教师组织认同的影响因素提供了现实的需求。 本文的主要研究内容是研究高校教师组织认同的影响因素。本文主要做了以下几点工作:首先对现有的相关理论进行了综述,对本文涉及的理论进行了介绍,对于文章有关的组织认同、职业认同、职业形象、工作自主性、组织环境等五个概念进行界定,并从职业形象、工作自主性、组织环境三方面来研究职业认同和组织认同。在此基础上,提出了影响因素的结构模型,并提出了三个方面的相关假设。选择合适的实证分析方法,在对所要研究问题有了深入理解剖析之后,借鉴国内外已有的研究结果,设计了合理的问卷,并以福建省高校教师为研究对象,收集到足够的样本数量。在通过对数据运用SPSS软件进行预处理后,数据分析结果表明本研究收集的数据满足进一步做结构方程模型检验的信度和效度的要求。然后运用AMOS软件分别在对各影响因素进行验证性因素分析和总体结构方程模型检验,得回收问卷后,对所得数据进行处理,运用各种处理方法,对提出的结构模型假设进行了验证。 最后,在对数据结果进行讨论的同时,对如何提升高校教师组织认同提出了对策及建议,同时对未来的研究方向进行了展望。
[Abstract]:Education is the first productive force, and the education level of a country is the ultimate embodiment of its comprehensive national strength and national quality. The education level of our country is a little weak in the international level. The top 100 universities in the world are only 2-3 in our country, which is obviously mismatched for a large country with a population of more than one billion. Only excellent education can provide excellent human resources and further affect the improvement of national quality and national rejuvenation. In recent years, the emphasis of higher education has shifted to the quality of higher education, and college teachers play an important role in improving the quality of education. How to promote the work efficiency of university teachers has always been the focus of various scholars. As knowledge workers, it is difficult to quantify their input and achievements, how to promote their identity, Improving the ability to work independently is an effective way to improve efficiency, which provides a realistic demand for this paper to study the influencing factors of teachers' organizational identity in colleges and universities. The main research content of this paper is to study the influencing factors of university teachers' organizational identity. The main work of this paper is as follows: first of all, the existing related theories are summarized, and the theories involved in this paper are introduced, which are related to organizational identity, professional image, job autonomy, etc. Five concepts of organizational environment are defined, and professional identity and organizational identity are studied from three aspects: professional image, job autonomy and organizational environment. On this basis, the structural model of influencing factors is proposed, and three related hypotheses are put forward. Choosing the appropriate empirical analysis method, after deeply understanding and analyzing the problems to be studied, drawing on the existing research results at home and abroad, designing a reasonable questionnaire, and taking the university teachers in Fujian Province as the research object. A sufficient number of samples were collected. After preprocessing the data by using SPSS software, the data analysis results show that the data collected in this study meet the requirements of reliability and validity of further structural equation model testing. Then we use AMOS software to analyze the influencing factors and test the overall structural equation model respectively. After we get back the questionnaire, we deal with the data and use all kinds of processing methods. The proposed structural model hypothesis is verified. Finally, the paper discusses the results of the data, and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions on how to promote the organizational identity of university teachers. At the same time, the future research direction is prospected.


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