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发布时间:2019-01-09 11:50
【摘要】:近年来,我国经济飞速发展,随着经济、文化全球化程度的加深,我国国民的原有世界观、价值观正受着巨大的冲击。鉴于传统文化中的精华部分对我国精神文明建设有着重要的支持作用,复兴传统文化的呼声越来越高。本研究拟探讨我国传统文化中最重要的组成部分“仁”的观念,分别研究古代传统“仁”观结构和当今大学生“仁”观结构,并进行对比分析。 本研究首先对国内外有关传统“仁”观结构、当代“仁”观结构、“仁”与整个儒家文化的关系、传统思想对于当代道德建设等方面的文献进行综述,,然后在对以往研究进行分析的基础上,选择了扎根分析的质性研究方法,提出本研究的目的及整体思路。本研究包含两个部分,研究一以古文典籍为对象进行传统“仁”观结构的研究,形成传统“仁”观结构的理论模型;研究二以当代大学生为被试,进行深度访谈,以访谈资料为对象进行当代“仁”观结构的研究、继而结合研究一结果进行对比分析。具体如下: 在研究一中,扎根研究的对象以魏何晏注宋邢f:疏《论语注疏》、南宋朱熹《论语集注》原著中涉及到“仁”的原文为基础进行自下而上的三层编码,开放式编码,关联编码,直到核心编码形成模型。对此两本集注1模型建构过程中,根据原著对传统“仁”含义得出初步理论假设,再经过进一步查阅典籍验证假设、修正假设,直至理论饱和。结果显示:传统“仁”观结构由三个维度构成,人格特征、实践特征以及属性特征。其中人格特征由“人际关系”、“智慧”、“处世态度”三个因素组成,实践特征由“恭敬”、“乐施恩惠”、“忠信可靠”三个因素组成,属性特征由“礼义相随”、“仁道为统”、“仁为本性”三个因素组成。 在研究二中,从苏州大学和西交利物浦大学随机抽取31名大学生,平衡专业、性别、年龄。其中30名作为研究对象,1名作为信度检验资料。对他们每人进行为时30分钟左右的深度访谈,将访谈录音转录成文档,并进行扎根分析。过程与研究一相同。结果显示大学生“仁”观结构同样由三个维度构成,人格特征、实践特征以及属性特征。其中人格特征包括“外向性”、“人际关系”、“情绪性”、“善良”、“行事风格”、“智慧”、“处世态度”七个因素,实践特征由两个因素构成,“礼仪规范”和“基础性”,属性特征包含四个因素,分别是“政治/文化特征”、“以爱为本质”、“发展性”和“包容人性”。 对古今“仁”观结构进行对比发现,有以下差异:(1)结构变化,原来的重点变为非重点,原来的非重点变为重点;(2)概念异化,旧概念的删改或新概念的增加,原有概念范围扩大或缩小;(3)基本态度的变化,包括对“仁”的去认同化以及对某些事物态度的异化。
[Abstract]:In recent years, China's economy has developed rapidly. With the deepening of economic and cultural globalization, the original world outlook and values of Chinese people are being greatly impacted. In view of the fact that the essence of traditional culture plays an important supporting role in the construction of spiritual civilization in our country, the voice of reviving traditional culture is increasing. This study discusses the concept of "benevolence", which is the most important part of Chinese traditional culture, studies the structure of the ancient "benevolence" and the structure of college students'"benevolence" respectively, and makes a comparative analysis. This research first summarizes the literature about the traditional "benevolence" concept structure, the contemporary "benevolence" view structure, the relationship between "benevolence" and the whole Confucian culture, and the traditional thought for the construction of contemporary morality, etc. Then, based on the analysis of the previous studies, the qualitative research method of rooting analysis is selected, and the purpose and the overall thinking of this study are put forward. This study consists of two parts: one is to study the traditional "benevolence" view structure with the classical writings as the object, and to form the theoretical model of the traditional "benevolence" view structure; The second study takes contemporary college students as subjects, carries on the in-depth interview, takes the interview material as the object carries on the contemporary "benevolence" the view structure research, then unifies the research one result carries on the contrast analysis. The details are as follows: in the first study, the object of root research is the bottom-up three-layer coding based on the original works of Wei he Yan and Song Xing f: Shu "the Analects of Confucius", and Zhu Xi of the Southern Song Dynasty "the Analects of Confucius" in the original works, which involve the original text of "Ren". Open coding, association coding, until the core codes form a model. In the process of constructing the model of the two notes 1, the preliminary theoretical hypothesis is obtained according to the original works' meaning of "benevolence", and then the hypothesis is further checked and the hypothesis is revised until the theory is saturated. The results show that the structure of traditional "benevolence" view consists of three dimensions: personality, practice and attribute. Among them, personality is composed of three factors: interpersonal relationship, wisdom and attitude towards life. The practical characteristics are composed of three factors: respect, Oxfam, loyalty and reliability, and the attribute features are accompanied by courtesy and meaning, and the character of personality is composed of three factors: "interpersonal relationship", "wisdom", "attitude towards life", and "respect", "Oxfam" and "loyalty and reliability". "benevolence is the unity" and "benevolence is the nature" of the three factors. In the second study, 31 college students were randomly selected from Suzhou University and Liverpool University in order to balance major, sex and age. Of them, 30 were used as subjects and 1 as reliability test data. Each of them was interviewed in depth for about 30 minutes. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed. The process is the same as the study. The result shows that the structure of "benevolence" of college students is also composed of three dimensions: personality, practice and attribute. Personality characteristics include extroversion, interpersonal relationship, emotional, kindness, style of conduct, wisdom, attitude to life, and practical characteristics, which are composed of two factors, including: extroversion, interpersonal relationship, emotion, kindness, style of conduct, wisdom and attitude to life. "Etiquette norm" and "basic", the attribute characteristic contains four factors, namely "political / cultural characteristic", "take love as the essence", "develop" and "contain human nature". Comparing the structure of "benevolence" in ancient and modern times, we find that there are the following differences: (1) the structure changes from the original focus to the non-focus, and the original non-focus into the focus; (2) the alienation of the concept, the deletion of the old concept or the increase of the new concept, and the expansion or narrowing of the scope of the original concept; (3) the change of the basic attitude, including the disapproval of the "benevolence" and the alienation of the attitude towards certain things.


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