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发布时间:2019-01-09 13:25
【摘要】:20世纪后期,以美国麻省理工学院和英国沃里克大学等为典型代表的一些欧美国家大学开始了服务当地经济、促进自身大发展的实践,并在探索过程中开创了创业型大学这一新型办学模式。这种办学模式主动对接时代要求,以创新创业为办学特色,将教学、科研与知识市场化相结合,为国家和区域经济发展做出了杰出的贡献。由于创业型大学在推动经济社会发展方面的积极作用,这场轰轰烈烈的大学创业革命在全球范围内展开,如何建设具有本国特色的创业型大学成为了一个世界性的话题,我国也不例外,也在这场革命中开始了对创业型大学建设的探索,但由于起步较晚,相关的理论还属空白,对创业型大学的建设的尝试也是各自为战,没有一定的模式、思路、标准作为依据。对此,笔者立足于对创业型大学从本源发展上进行梳理,并以国外成熟创业型大学理论为指导,以我国创业型大学建设探索相对成熟和有特色的模式进行对比,提出我国创业教育未来目标——中国创业型大学建设的基本模式和发展取向。 本研究包括五个部分: 第一部分是引言部分,概括了创业型大学的研究背景、研究意义以及论文的研究思路与方法等内容。 第二部分是创业型大学的研究现状与概念界定,主要从国内、国外两个维度对创业型大学的研究现状进行了梳理,并根据已有研究对创业型大学的概念进行了本土化的界定。 第三部分是中国创业型大学建设的基本模式研究。研究选取了北京航空航天大学和温州大学的创业型大学建设模式为案例。从背景、动因、策略、成就四个方面对这两类创业型大学的办学模式加以阐述,,并从建设的立足点、组织结构形式、运作模式出发进行比较,通过对比反思得出目前创业型大学建设的困境以及取得成就经验。 第四部分即中国创业型大学建设模式的发展取向研究。研究从三个方面展开:首先,探讨影响创业型大学建设模式发展取向的主要影响因素。其次,我们讨论了两种未来可能在中国出现的创业型大学的可能模式。最后,我们分析了我国创业型大学未来发展的着力点。 第五部分是本文的结论,作为本研究的全文总结和对我国创业型大学发展的未来展望。
[Abstract]:In the late 20th century, some European and American universities, such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Warwick of the United Kingdom, as typical representatives, began to serve the local economy and promote their own great development. And in the process of exploration, the pioneering university is a new mode of running a school. This mode of running a school has made outstanding contributions to the national and regional economic development by combining teaching, scientific research and knowledge marketization with the requirements of the times. Due to the positive role of entrepreneurial universities in promoting economic and social development, this dynamic university entrepreneurial revolution has been launched on a global scale. How to build entrepreneurial universities with national characteristics has become a worldwide topic. Our country is no exception. In this revolution, we also began to explore the construction of entrepreneurial universities. However, due to the late start, the relevant theories are still blank, and the attempts at the construction of entrepreneurial universities are also self-defeating. There are no certain models and ideas. The standard is used as the basis. In this regard, the author based on the entrepreneurial universities from the origin of the development of combing, and with foreign mature entrepreneurial university theory as a guide, to explore the construction of entrepreneurial universities in China relatively mature and characteristics of the mode of comparison. This paper puts forward the future goal of entrepreneurship education in China-the basic mode and development orientation of the construction of entrepreneurial universities in China. This research includes five parts: the first part is the introduction part, which summarizes the research background, research significance and research ideas and methods of entrepreneurial universities. The second part is the research status and concept definition of entrepreneurial universities, mainly from the domestic and foreign two dimensions of entrepreneurial universities to sort out the status quo, and according to the existing research on the concept of entrepreneurial universities localization of the definition. The third part is the basic model of the construction of entrepreneurial universities in China. The research selected Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Wenzhou University entrepreneurial university construction model as a case. From four aspects of background, motivation, strategy and achievement, the paper expounds the two kinds of entrepreneurial university's running mode, and compares them from the standpoint of construction, the form of organization structure and the mode of operation. Through comparison and reflection, this paper concludes the predicament and achievement experience of entrepreneurial university construction at present. The fourth part is the development orientation of the construction mode of entrepreneurial universities in China. The research is carried out from three aspects: firstly, the main factors that influence the development orientation of entrepreneurial university construction mode are discussed. Secondly, we discuss two possible models of entrepreneurial universities in China. Finally, we analyze the future development of entrepreneurial universities in China. The fifth part is the conclusion of this paper, as the full text of this study and the prospects for the development of entrepreneurial universities in China.


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