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发布时间:2019-01-23 07:29
【摘要】:随着网络技术的迅猛发展,网络正以其强大的力量改变着我们的生活习惯、工作方式以及学习方法,极大的促进了社会的发展与时代的进步,也让传统校园文化与网络文化彼此产生碰撞并形成了高校校园网络文化。网络以其强大的信息资源以及便捷的交流方式等优势给高校师生带来了极大的便捷以及丰富的知识内容,但同时也萌生出一些负面影响,如网瘾,网络色情,信息泛滥,乃至网络犯罪。面对不断出现的新问题,本文从自组织理论中耗散结构与协同学理论入手,借助校园网络文化其开放性等特点,提出对高校校园网络文化的建设途径以及管理策略。 本文基于自组织理论详细分析了高校校园网络文化的建设途径以及管理方法。首先对自组织理论与高校校园网络文化的基本含义和特征进行了概括;并对高校校园网络文化现状进行了详细的分析,找出其中存在的问题与面临的困境,同时也对其未来的发展趋势做出分析预测,,提出网络自组织对高校校园网络文化的积极影响。在此基础上,以自组织的内在优势,其自身的诸多自组织特征,充分发挥协同的涨落作用、支配作用和协同作用等自组织功能,分析如何对高校校园网络文化进行建设以及管理策略。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of network technology, the network is changing our living habits, working methods and learning methods with its powerful force, which has greatly promoted the development of society and the progress of the times. It also makes the traditional campus culture and network culture collide with each other and form the campus network culture. With its powerful information resources and convenient ways of communication, the network has brought great convenience and rich knowledge to teachers and students in colleges and universities, but at the same time, it also has some negative effects, such as Internet addiction, network pornography, information flooding, etc. Even cybercrime. In the face of the new problems, this paper starts with the dissipative structure and synergetic theory in the self-organization theory, and puts forward the construction way and management strategy of the campus network culture with the help of the characteristics of the campus network culture and its openness. Based on self-organization theory, this paper analyzes the construction and management methods of campus network culture in colleges and universities in detail. Firstly, it summarizes the basic meaning and characteristics of self-organization theory and campus network culture in colleges and universities. The present situation of campus network culture in colleges and universities is analyzed in detail to find out the existing problems and difficulties, and at the same time, to make an analysis and forecast of its future development trend. This paper puts forward the positive influence of self-organization on campus network culture in colleges and universities. On this basis, based on the inherent advantages of self-organization and many of its own self-organization characteristics, the self-organization functions such as synergistic fluctuation, dominance and synergism are brought into full play. This paper analyzes how to construct the campus network culture and how to manage it.


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