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发布时间:2019-01-23 07:45
[Abstract]:The course of ideological and political theory in colleges and universities is a comprehensive applied subject with ideological and political education as its research object. Every university in China has set up a course of ideological and political theory, which is set up as a basic subject and a compulsory course. The course of ideological and political theory plays a great role in promoting the development of college students, which is mainly reflected in the establishment of the correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, the increase of personal knowledge reserves and the improvement of personal ideological and moral cultivation. Improve personal social skills and broaden personal horizons. However, the degree of satisfaction of college students on ideological and political courses needs to be improved. In this paper, a questionnaire survey was conducted with 500 college students randomly selected from five universities in Hebei Province. The questionnaire puts forward four questions about the reform of ideological and political theory course in colleges and universities: curriculum value, function evaluation, teaching method, teachers' quality, using satisfaction questionnaire design method and four-dimension factor analysis method. This paper analyzes the present situation of college students' satisfaction with the ideological and political theory course in Hebei Province in four dimensions, and puts forward concrete and feasible countermeasures to promote the present situation. This study probes into the significance of college students' satisfaction with ideological and political theory, analyzes the current research situation at home and abroad, clarifies the innovation of this study, and determines the research methods and technical routes of this study. The whole process of the design and implementation of the survey is described, and the data collected from the survey are analyzed comprehensively. It provides a scientific and true investigation basis for the analysis of the present situation of college students' satisfaction with the ideological and political theory course in Hebei Province and ensures the scientificity and timeliness of this study. The present situation analysis of college students' satisfaction with ideological and political theory course in Hebei Province can be divided into four aspects: curriculum value, function evaluation, teaching method, teachers' quality, combined with investigation data. This paper analyzes the present situation of college students' satisfaction with the ideological and political theory course in Hebei Province, and makes a deep analysis of the four aspects, and refines each aspect, that is, to make a comprehensive analysis, to do an emphasis analysis, and to highlight the key analysis. It ensures the comprehensiveness and feasibility of this study.


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