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发布时间:2019-01-26 10:05
【摘要】:口语交际能力是现代人必备的基本素质之一。作为培育国家未来主人的幼儿教师更应该受到良好的口语交际教育,具备基本的口语交际知识、口语交际能力和口语交际素养,口语交际课程是幼儿师范学校学生必修的文化基础课。本文主要从幼师口语交际教学的理论基础、幼师学生口语交际能力现状调查、幼师学生口语交际能力匮乏的原因分析、在口语交际教学中渗透传统文化的策略等方面进行了探索。 本文共分四大部分: 第一部分论述幼师口语交际教学的理论基础,即合作学习理论。从心理学、社会学等角度来看合作学习更利于全面关注教学过程中师生双方的状况,,更利于学习者相互合作,共同进步,对于学习者个人能力的提高、班级学习氛围的优化、学生良好心理素质的形成也会起到积极作用。合作学习理论对口语交际教学具有较强的指导意义。 第二部分结合调查问卷对幼师学生口语交际能力现状进行了分析。 第三部分对幼师学生口语交际能力匮乏的原因进行了分析,主要从学生角度、教师角度、其他角度三个方面展开,从中找出了文化知识储备薄弱、教学手段单一、课程内容枯燥等方面原因,在此基础上提出了在口语交际教学中吸取传统文化精髓以优化教学效果的策略。 第四部分结合教学实践,提出在口语交际教学中渗透传统文化的具体策略,包括在口语交际教学中营造传统文化氛围、利用传统文化中的情感教育、根据幼师学生的性别特点开展口语交际教学等。
[Abstract]:Oral communicative competence is one of the essential qualities of modern people. As the future masters of the country, the preschool teachers should have good oral communication education, basic oral communication knowledge, oral communication ability and oral communication literacy. Oral communication course is a required cultural basic course for students in preschool normal schools. In this paper, the theoretical basis of oral communication teaching in kindergarten teachers' colleges, the investigation of the present situation of students' oral communicative competence in kindergarten teachers' colleges, and the analysis of the reasons for the lack of oral communication competence of students in kindergarten teachers' colleges are discussed. This paper explores the strategies of infiltrating traditional culture in oral communication teaching. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part discusses the theoretical basis of oral communication teaching in kindergarten teachers, that is, cooperative learning theory. From the perspective of psychology and sociology, cooperative learning is more conducive to pay more attention to the situation of both teachers and students in the teaching process, to the mutual cooperation and progress of learners, to the improvement of learners' personal ability and to the optimization of class learning atmosphere. The formation of good psychological quality of students will also play a positive role. Cooperative learning theory has a strong guiding significance for oral communication teaching. The second part analyzes the present situation of oral communication ability of kindergarten normal school students with questionnaire. The third part analyzes the reasons for the lack of oral communication ability of kindergarten teachers students, mainly from the perspective of students, teachers, and other angles to find out that cultural knowledge reserves are weak, teaching means are single. On the basis of this, the author puts forward the strategy of absorbing the essence of traditional culture in oral communication teaching in order to optimize the teaching effect. The fourth part combines the teaching practice, proposes the concrete strategy which infiltrates the traditional culture in the oral communication teaching, including constructs the traditional culture atmosphere in the oral communication teaching, utilizes the traditional culture emotion education. According to the gender characteristics of normal school students, oral communication teaching and so on.


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