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发布时间:2019-01-26 20:09
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of higher education and the expansion of the scale of higher education in our country, the situation and improvement of the quality of university education are generally concerned by the government, society, teachers, students and parents, and there are many factors that affect the quality of university teaching. One of the important factors is the college-to-class rate, so to improve the quality of college teaching, we must pay attention to the college-to-class rate. The so-called college-to-class rate refers to the ratio of the actual number of students to the number of students who should come to class in classroom teaching. It not only reflects the situation of students coming to class, but also comprehensively reflects the state of study of college students, especially the style of study. Reflects the teaching situation and the teaching management condition of the university. It is of great significance for colleges and universities to take measures to improve students' study, teachers' teaching and school teaching management to improve the teaching rate and teaching quality. On the basis of comparing and analyzing the existing research results, this paper makes a comprehensive and systematic study on the present situation of the college to class rate by using the empirical research methods such as spot check, class listening, investigation, teaching inspection materials and so on. The empirical study shows that the classroom to class rate of 67 colleges is 79.81 in the fall semester of 2012, and that of 2141 students in 20 colleges is 89 in spring 2013. There are differences between different colleges, different grades and different genders. Students, teachers, schools, and social factors affect the class rate. In particular, some students do not have a clear purpose of learning, do not like their major, lack a good comprehensive quality and a good learning mentality, and their teaching level is not very high. The teaching content is not very rich, the teaching method is not very reasonable, the teaching responsibility is not strong, the school does not attach great importance to the teaching, the curriculum is not very reasonable, the teaching management is not very strict, the teaching environment is not very good, and the current education system has some drawbacks. The negative impact of the network, the grim employment situation. The national education policy, the theory of total quality management and the utilization of university resources provide the feasibility for improving the class rate. To improve the college-to-class rate, we can take countermeasures from four aspects: students, teachers, schools and society. Students should make clear the purpose of study, cultivate enthusiasm for professional study, improve self-management ability, face the pressure correctly, teachers should improve teaching level, enrich teaching content, improve teaching method, strengthen teaching responsibility, and school should stress teaching center. The society should deepen the reform of educational system, optimize the network environment, and increase the guidance of employment by optimizing the curriculum, strengthening the management of teaching quality, perfecting the method of examination, and strengthening the construction of campus culture. Only in this way can we fully arouse the enthusiasm of students to study, improve the participation of students in teaching activities, reduce students' skipping classes, improve the rate of students to class, and achieve the goal of talent training in colleges and universities.


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