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发布时间:2019-02-10 19:05
【摘要】:我国正处在改革的攻坚阶段和经济发展的关键时期,随着社会转型的不断深入,社会状况发生了复杂而深刻的变化,经济领域由原来的计划经济向社会主义市场经济体制转变,文化领域也不断走向开放和融合,人们的价值观也随之呈现多元化趋势。当前在校大学生是伴随着改革开放进程成长起来的新一代青年,他们是社会主义建设事业的未来栋梁。生活在各种思想文化交汇激烈碰撞的高校,大学生的思想也处于不断激烈震荡之中,他们价值观出现的新情况新问题,必须引起全社会的高度重视。 本文首先概述了价值观与大学生价值观的内涵,综述了新中国成立以来不同时期大学生价值观的历史特征,总结了大学生价值观教育的经验与教训,为本文研究当前在校大学生的价值观提供了历史的角度。随后,文章主体部分通过对南京市五所高校进行抽样问卷调查来进行实证研究,问卷设计涵盖大学生价值观的五个维度:人生价值观、政治价值观、道德价值观、就业价值观和婚恋价值观。通过所得的确切数据,客观地分析了在校大学生价值观的现状:人生价值观强调自我的拼搏进取,集体意识淡化,个人本位化倾向凸显;道德价值观表现为道德认知水平较高,与道德行为存在知行不一;政治价值观表现为总体积极向上,但也存在政治信仰模糊和功利化的倾向;职业价值观表现为趋于务实,且务实高于理想;婚恋价值观表现为先锋与自主性并存,先锋性倾向明显。随后,对当前在校大学生价值观现状进行了原因分析,主要从包括经济和文化两方面社会环境的影响,高校价值观教育以及大学生主体因素的特点三方面来进行阐述。 最后,本文有针对性的提出了当前在校大学生价值观教育的对策与建议,要发挥思想政治理论课与专业课程两部分的理论教学潜力,提高大学生对社会主义核心价值观的理论认知与情感认同;要积极开展高校媒介素养教育,提高大学生媒介信息判别力,主动应对信息时代的信息浪潮冲击;要加强高校校园文化对价值观的辅助教育作用,在潜移默化中引导大学生向社会主义核心价值观及社会主义核心价值体系靠拢;要引导大学生发挥自主性参与多种载体的社会实践,在实践中促进自身价值观的“知行合一”。从这四方面来形成合力、综合引导,最终促成大学生价值观的健康发展。
[Abstract]:China is in the critical stage of reform and economic development. With the deepening of social transformation, the social situation has undergone complex and profound changes, and the economic field has changed from the former planned economy to the socialist market economic system. Cultural field is also moving towards openness and integration, people's values also show a pluralistic trend. At present, college students are a new generation of young people growing up with the reform and opening up process, they are the future pillars of socialist construction. Living in colleges and universities where all kinds of ideas and cultures meet and collide, the students' thoughts are also in constant intense turbulence. The new situation and new problems in their values must be attached great importance to by the whole society. This paper first summarizes the connotation of values and college students' values, summarizes the historical characteristics of college students' values in different periods since the founding of New China, and summarizes the experience and lessons of college students' value education. This paper provides a historical perspective for the study of the values of college students. Then, the main part of the article carries on the empirical research through sampling questionnaire to five colleges and universities in Nanjing. The questionnaire design covers the five dimensions of college students' values: life values, political values, moral values. Employment values and love values. Through the exact data obtained, this paper objectively analyzes the present situation of college students' values: the values of life emphasize the struggle and enterprising of themselves, the collective consciousness is desalinated, and the tendency of individualization is prominent; The moral values are manifested in the higher level of moral cognition, which is different from the moral behavior, the political values are generally positive, but there is also the tendency of vague and utilitarian political beliefs. Professional values tend to be pragmatic, and pragmatism is higher than ideal. Marriage and love values show that vanguard and autonomy coexist, and vanguard tendency is obvious. Then, this paper analyzes the reasons for the present situation of college students' values, mainly from the economic and cultural aspects of the impact of the social environment, college values education and the characteristics of the main factors of college students. Finally, this paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions of the current college students' value education, and gives full play to the theoretical teaching potential of the ideological and political theory course and the professional course. To improve college students' theoretical cognition and emotional identity to socialist core values; We should actively carry out the media literacy education in colleges and universities, improve the ability of judging the media information of college students, and take the initiative to deal with the impact of the information tide in the information age. It is necessary to strengthen the auxiliary education function of campus culture to values, and guide college students to approach the socialist core values and socialist core value system in the process of imperceptible transformation. It is necessary to guide college students to take part in the social practice of various carriers and to promote the integration of knowledge and practice in the practice of their own values. From these four aspects to form a joint force, comprehensive guidance, and ultimately promote the healthy development of college students' values.


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