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发布时间:2019-02-10 19:44
【摘要】:随着信息化时代的到来,各种信息充斥着人们的生活,而作为人类活动记录的档案信息资源在这个时期也得到了广泛的研究和关注。为了有效地开发利用档案信息资源,世界各国都在积极地借助现代化技术和设备进行数字档案系统建设,对高校数字档案系统也有不同程度、不同内容的研究。 本文是在结合其他学者研究的基础上,对信息生态系统和信息生态链理论进行分析,从而展开对基于生态的高校数字档案系统信息流转能力的研究。作者查阅了大量的国内外相关文献,认为本文的撰写会给高校数字档案系统信息流转理论的研究和实践带来新的理念,能够促进高校数字档案系统服务更加和谐的发展。 首先,本文对信息流转的基础理论进行了分析,对比了高校数字档案系统与普通信息生态系统组成要素,并分析了高校数字档案系统信息生态链的构成。高校数字档案系统是为了适应信息生态环境而进行的新研究范式,它是由信息人、信息资源、信息环境三要素组成的,高校数字档案系统信息生态链是由信息生产者、信息传递者、信息消费者三者构成,通过各种链式依存关系的协调保持信息生态链的平衡稳定。随后,本文对高校数字档案系统信息流转能力评价体系展开分析,并通过信息行为确定了信息流转过程中应包含的五个模块,分别是:信息收集模块,信息处理模块,信息发布模块,信息利用模块,信息反馈模块,这五个模块的研究不仅是本文的重要组成部分,而且也是基于生态的高校数字档案系统建设和管理的理论基础,,并由此确定了高校数字档案系统信息流转能力影响因素的构成。基于以上分析构建了高校数字档案系统信息流转能力评价指标体系,该指标体系由信息收集功能,信息处理功能,信息发布功能,信息利用功能,信息反馈功能构成。最后,通过问卷调查的形式,并运用主成分分析法对山西财经大学数字档案系统的信息流能力进行了分析评估,并最终提出了促进山西财经大学数字档案系统信息流转能力建设的五条策略。
[Abstract]:With the arrival of the information age, all kinds of information are filled with people's lives, and the archival information resources, which are the records of human activities, have also been widely studied and paid attention in this period. In order to effectively develop and utilize archival information resources, countries all over the world are actively carrying out the construction of digital archival system with the help of modern technology and equipment, and have also studied the digital archival system in colleges and universities to varying degrees and contents. Based on the research of other scholars, this paper analyzes the theory of information ecosystem and information ecological chain, so as to carry out the research on the ability of information circulation of university digital archives system based on ecology. The author has consulted a large number of domestic and foreign literature, and holds that the writing of this paper will bring new ideas to the research and practice of the information flow theory of the digital archival system in colleges and universities, and can promote the development of the digital archival system service in colleges and universities more harmoniously. Firstly, this paper analyzes the basic theory of information flow, compares the composing elements between the digital archives system of colleges and universities and the general information ecosystem system, and analyzes the composition of the information ecological chain of the digital archives system in colleges and universities. The digital archives system of colleges and universities is a new research paradigm to adapt to the information ecological environment. It is composed of three elements: information person, information resources and information environment. The information ecological chain of university digital archives system is composed of information producers. The information communicators and information consumers are composed of three parts, which maintain the balance and stability of the information ecological chain through the coordination of various chain dependencies. Then, this paper analyzes the evaluation system of the information flow ability of the digital archives system in colleges and universities, and determines the five modules that should be included in the information flow process through the information behavior, namely: the information collection module, the information processing module, Information release module, information utilization module, information feedback module, the research of these five modules is not only the important part of this paper, but also the theoretical foundation of the construction and management of the university digital file system based on ecology. And from this determined the university digital file system information circulation ability influence factor constitution. Based on the above analysis, the evaluation index system of information flow ability of digital archives system in colleges and universities is constructed. The index system is composed of information collection function, information processing function, information publishing function, information utilization function and information feedback function. Finally, through the form of questionnaire and principal component analysis, the paper analyzes and evaluates the ability of information flow in the digital file system of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics. Finally, it puts forward five strategies to promote the construction of information flow ability of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics.


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