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发布时间:2019-02-23 10:56
【摘要】:当前,随着经济全球化和文化多元化的不断发展,大学生的思想观念、价值取向、道德水平、心理状态等都发生了重大变化,这既给高校育人工作带来了机遇,也使其面临严峻挑战。在此形势下,高校仅靠课堂教学已经不能满足学生对知识的渴求,也不能满足社会发展的需求。据此,高校开展实践育人既是应对日益激烈的国际竞争,提高综合国力的客观需要;也是全面落实党的教育方针,实施素质教育,促进大学生健康成长的必然要求。但是,目前高校实践育人方面还存在重视程度不够、组织管理不到位、评估制度不完善、保障制度不健全等问题,使大学生实践育人功能不能充分发挥。因此,高校必须贯彻落实党的教育方针,提高对实践育人的重视程度,制定一套科学、完善的关于大学生社会实践组织、运行、激励、保障、评价等方面的规章制度,形成高校实践育人长效机制,促进大学生社会实践育人功能的充分发挥,培养高质量人才,为社会主义现代化建设做贡献。 本文在已有相关成果的基础上,主要对社会实践的育人功能、存在的问题及其途径进行探讨。主要内容:一、大学生社会实践育人基本概述。主要阐述了大学生社会实践育人的内涵、特点以及理论基础。二、大学生社会实践的育人功能。主要阐述了思想道德教育功能、提高大学生综合能力功能和社会化功能。三、大学生社会实践育人的现状。主要在实证研究(进行了问卷调查)的基础上,,分析了大学生社会实践育人的现状,指出我国实践育人取得了理论研究不断深入、指导工作不断加强、运行机制不断完善等成绩,但也存在思想认识不深刻,组织管理不到位,评价体系不完善,保障制度不健全等问题。四、新形势下增强大学生社会实践育人功能的途径。针对问题探索出了加大宣传力度,提高对实践育人功能的认识;加强组织管理,保证实践育人的有序进行;完善激励机制,促进实践育人功能的充分发挥;健全保障制度,确保实践育人的可持续发展;完善评价体系,保证实践育人的动态发展等措施。
[Abstract]:At present, with the continuous development of economic globalization and cultural pluralism, great changes have taken place in college students' ideology, value orientation, moral level and psychological state, which has brought opportunities to the work of educating people in colleges and universities. It also faces serious challenges. In this situation, relying on classroom teaching alone can not satisfy the students' thirst for knowledge, nor can they meet the needs of social development. Therefore, carrying out practical education in colleges and universities is not only the objective need to cope with the increasingly fierce international competition and improve the comprehensive national strength, but also the inevitable requirement of carrying out the Party's educational policy, carrying out quality education, and promoting the healthy growth of college students. However, at present, there are still some problems, such as insufficient attention, inadequate organization and management, imperfect evaluation system, imperfect security system, etc, which make the function of practical education for college students not to be fully brought into full play. Therefore, colleges and universities must carry out the Party's educational policy, improve the degree of attention to practical education, formulate a set of scientific and perfect rules and regulations concerning the organization, operation, encouragement, protection, evaluation of college students' social practice. To form a long-term mechanism of practical education in colleges and universities, to promote the full play of the function of educating students in social practice, to train high-quality talents, and to contribute to the socialist modernization construction. On the basis of the related achievements, this paper mainly discusses the educational function, existing problems and ways of social practice. The main content: first, the university student social practice educates the person basic outline. This paper mainly expounds the connotation, characteristics and theoretical basis of college students'social practice. Second, the educational function of college students' social practice. This paper mainly expounds the function of ideological and moral education and the function of improving the comprehensive ability and socialization of college students. Third, the current situation of college students'social practice and education. On the basis of empirical research (questionnaire survey), this paper analyzes the present situation of college students' social practice education, and points out that the theoretical research and guidance work of practical education in our country have been continuously deepened and strengthened. However, there are still some problems, such as deep understanding of ideology, inadequate organization and management, imperfect evaluation system, imperfect security system, and so on. Fourth, under the new situation, strengthens the university student social practice educates the function the way. Aiming at the problems, the author explores how to strengthen propaganda, improve the understanding of the function of practical education, strengthen the organization and management to ensure the orderly carrying out of practical education, perfect the incentive mechanism, and promote the full play of the function of practical education. Perfect the guarantee system to ensure the sustainable development of practical education, perfect the evaluation system and ensure the dynamic development of practical education.


中国期刊全文数据库 前9条

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