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发布时间:2019-02-23 13:43
[Abstract]:Nowadays, "post-90s" has become the protagonist of university campuses, and more attention has been paid to their topics. "Post-90s" is a generation that has grown up with the Internet. Their special growth environment makes them form a very personal consumption psychology, and makes them become the generation with the most consumption potential. Pay close attention to the present situation of 90's, analyze 90's consumption psychology, study 90's marketing strategy and get great affection from marketers. This paper adopts the method of questionnaire to obtain the first-hand data, on the basis of absorbing the previous research results, systematically analyzes the consumption psychology of the "post-90s", and probes into the marketing mode and media strategy of the "post-90s". This paper points out the marketing dilemma of the post-90s and puts forward some relevant suggestions.


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