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发布时间:2019-03-29 18:21
【摘要】:落实科学发展观,要求我们系统探讨深入研究以人为本视野下的高校思想政治教育。以人为本视野下高校思想政治教育的必要性体现在以下三个方面:一是构建社会主义和谐社会的需要,二是贯彻落实科学发展观的需要,三是构建和谐校园的需要。以人为本视野下高校思想政治教育的重要性体现在,有利于深入把握高校思想政治教育规律;有利于促进大学生健康全面发展;有利于增强高校学生思想政治教育的时效性。 在以人为本的视野下,高校思想政治教育工作要求以学生为根本,促进学生的全面发展;在同高校学生建立密切的教育关系中了解他们的需求,切实维护他们的正当权益;尊重他们对思想政治教育、对学校管理和对教育者教育过程的合理化建议。以人为本理念要求高校思想政治教育坚持尊重原则、主体性原则和层次性和针对性原则。 在以人为本的视野下,高校思想政治教育工作存在的问题是:教师主导作用突出,学生的基本要求受到贬抑,学生的教育内容有所缺失。这些问题产生的原因主要存在于以下几个方面:教师固有教育理念、高校传统教育体制、复杂多元社会环境。 在以人为本的视野下,高校思想政治教育工作途径的优化需要在三个方面下功夫。一是牢固确立“以生为本”的思想政治教育理念,包括牢固确立“学生是活人,不是机器人”;“学生是主体,不是客体”;“学生是目的,不是手段”的“以生为本”的思想政治教育理念。二是需要努力丰富“以生为本”的思想政治教育内容,包括重视人格品质教育,着眼丰富心灵世界,努力培养创新精神。三是坚持以生为本,夯实思想政治教育的根基,包括着力构建平等和谐的师生关系,将灌输教育与引导教育相结合,强化思政教育队伍的素质建设。
[Abstract]:The implementation of the scientific concept of development requires us to study deeply the ideological and political education in colleges and universities from the perspective of people-oriented. The necessity of ideological and political education in colleges and universities under the human-oriented vision is reflected in the following three aspects: one is the need of building a socialist harmonious society; the second is the need of carrying out the scientific development view; the third is the need of constructing a harmonious campus. The importance of ideological and political education in colleges and universities under the human-oriented vision lies in that it is beneficial to grasp the law of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, to promote the healthy and all-round development of college students, and to enhance the timeliness of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. In the view of people-oriented, ideological and political education in colleges and universities requires students as the foundation to promote the all-round development of students, to understand their needs in the establishment of close educational relations with college students, to effectively safeguard their legitimate rights and interests; Respect their suggestions for the rationalization of ideological and political education, school management, and the educational process of educators. The concept of people-oriented requires the ideological and political education in colleges and universities to adhere to the principles of respect, subjectivity, hierarchy and pertinence. In the view of "people-oriented", the problems existing in ideological and political education in colleges and universities are as follows: the leading role of teachers is outstanding, the basic requirements of students are deprecated, and the contents of students' education are lacking. The reasons for these problems mainly exist in the following aspects: teachers' inherent education idea, traditional education system in colleges and universities, and complex and pluralistic social environment. In the view of people-oriented, the optimization of the way of ideological and political education in colleges and universities needs to work hard in three aspects. The first is to firmly establish the concept of "life-oriented" ideological and political education, including the firm establishment of "students are living people, not robots", "students are the subject, not the object"; "students are the purpose, not the means" the ideological and political education concept of "life-oriented". Second, it is necessary to enrich the content of "life-oriented" ideological and political education, including attaching importance to the education of personality quality, enriching the spiritual world and cultivating the spirit of innovation. Third, adhere to the student-oriented, strengthen the foundation of ideological and political education, including efforts to build an equal and harmonious relationship between teachers and students, will inculcate education and guide education, strengthen the quality of ideological and political education team construction.


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4 郑Z,




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