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发布时间:2019-04-03 09:24
【摘要】:新世纪以来,我国经济社会获得快速发展,为了适应社会对人才的需求,高等教育也走上了大众化的道路。自1999年开始,短短10几年,全国新建地方性本科高校329所,加上独立学院,一般本科高校总增632所。这些学校培养的学生主要面对经济发展前沿的企事业单位,尤其是为企业培养优秀的适用人才。但是,纵观当前一般本科高校的培养方案,大多有一个明显的缺失:就是毕业生的岗位专业动手能力的不足。虽然,这些大学都基本明确自身的定位,要培养应用型人才,然而,在教学过程中,却无法提供或未能较好的提供专业实践基地,未能让学生提前进入企业体验专业与实际的结合。这种现象在欧美国家也曾经有过;但是,,经过一段痛苦的折腾,他们的政府已经做好了政策支持,他们的企业也尝到了与高校合作开展人才培养的好处,他们的社会也树立了应用型人才培养的理念。 本论文基于以上思路,从几个方面入手探索适合中国国情的校企合作之路,详细摘要如下: 第一部分,对校企合作人才培养的背景和目前对本问题研究的现状作出描述和分析,给出全文的研究路线。 第二部分,围绕应用型本科院校校企合作的特殊性、问题与原因展开讨论,指出应用型本科院校校企合作的历史使命:要培养适应社会发展的人才,地区经济发展需要人才与智力支持,科技创新需要校企合作。 第三部分,论述了应用型本科高校校企合作的途径,提出应用型本科院校应围绕企业需求开展校企合作教育,要以服务地方经济与社会发展为应用型本科高校的使命,同时把校企合作作为人才创新教育的重要载体。 第四部分,阐述政府在应用型本科院校开展校企合作中的重要作用。指出政府在构建校企合作中的有效作为并给出必要政策为企业和高校搭建合作平台,为校企合作制定科学的评价机制。 第五部分,结束语。总结本文所取得的研究成果,对未来的进一步研究提出新的方向。
[Abstract]:Since the new century, China's economic and social development has been rapid, in order to meet the needs of the society for talents, higher education has also embarked on the road of popularization. Since 1999, a short period of 10 years, 329 new local undergraduate colleges and universities, plus independent colleges, the total increase in general undergraduate colleges and universities 632. The students trained by these schools mainly face the enterprises and institutions at the forefront of economic development, especially for the enterprises to cultivate excellent applicable talents. However, most of the current undergraduate training programs have an obvious deficiency: the lack of professional hands-on ability of graduates. Although these universities have basically defined their own positioning and want to train applied talents, however, in the course of teaching, they are unable to provide or fail to provide a better professional practice base. Failure to allow students to enter the enterprise experience in advance of the professional and practical integration. This phenomenon has also existed in European and American countries; However, after a painful period of agony, their government has done a good job of policy support, their enterprises have also tasted the benefits of cooperating with colleges and universities to develop talent training, their society has also established the concept of application-oriented talent training. Based on the above ideas, this paper starts from several aspects to explore the way of school-enterprise cooperation suitable for China's national conditions. The detailed summary is as follows: the first part, This paper describes and analyzes the background of the training of university-enterprise cooperation talents and the present situation of the research on this issue, and gives the research route of the full text. The second part, focusing on the particularity, problems and reasons of university-enterprise cooperation in application-oriented colleges and universities, points out the historical mission of school-enterprise cooperation in application-oriented colleges and universities: to train talents to adapt to the development of society; Regional economic development needs talent and intelligence support, and scientific and technological innovation needs school-enterprise cooperation. The third part discusses the way of university-enterprise cooperation in applied undergraduate colleges and universities, puts forward that applied undergraduate colleges and universities should focus on the needs of enterprises to carry out cooperative education between schools and enterprises, and to serve local economic and social development as the mission of applied undergraduate colleges and universities. At the same time, school-enterprise cooperation is regarded as an important carrier of talent innovation education. The fourth part expounds the important role of the government in the development of university-enterprise cooperation in applied undergraduate colleges. This paper points out the effective actions of the government in the construction of school-enterprise cooperation and puts forward the necessary policies to set up a cooperation platform for enterprises and universities and to formulate a scientific evaluation mechanism for school-enterprise cooperation. Part V, concluding remarks. This paper summarizes the research results obtained in this paper, and puts forward a new direction for further research in the future.


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