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发布时间:2019-04-03 19:38
【摘要】:高校教师间进行有效的交流和协作不仅是社会变革的要求,也是教师社群亟待解决的现实问题。理想的教师社群构建,应面向教师所处的环境本身,追溯教师业已存在的美德精神。教师应首先成为人,才能成为教师,教师先有了职业才拥有了权利和美德,是职业赋予了他们学术权利,而教师拥有了这种学术职业,需要在同伴互助下实现职业的功能。通过个人完成的知识只是“小我”的成就,教师需要完成的,是达到个人、学校、社会的共赢。 本文以教育学、政治哲学理论为基础,首先理顺了分配正义和至善在构成性社群中的优先顺序;其次以费希特的哲学理论和桑德尔的政治学理论,唤起当代教师业已存在的美德精神;再次,分析了目前高校教师社群存在的现状,通过收集资料和理论深度研究,,将现有高校教师社群归类,并找出他们存在的不适合之处,深究其不适合的深层根源;最后提出了一种新型的高校教师社群方式,即构成性社群。
[Abstract]:Effective communication and cooperation among university teachers is not only the requirement of social change, but also a realistic problem to be solved urgently in teachers' community. The ideal construction of teachers' community should be oriented to the environment in which the teachers live, and trace back the virtue and spirit that teachers already exist. Teachers should first become human beings before they can become teachers, teachers have the profession before they have the right and virtue, and the profession endows them with the academic right, and the teacher has this kind of academic profession, which needs to realize the professional function under the mutual help of his companions. The knowledge accomplished through the individual is only the achievement of the ego. What teachers need to accomplish is to achieve the win-win results of the individual, the school and the society. Based on the theories of pedagogy and political philosophy, this paper first rationalizes the priority order of distributive justice and supreme goodness in the constituent community. Secondly, with Fichte's philosophical theory and Sandel's political theory, the contemporary teachers have been aroused the spirit of virtue; Thirdly, this paper analyzes the present situation of college teachers' community, classifies the existing college teachers' community through collecting data and theoretical in-depth research, and finds out the unsuitable places, and probes into the deep roots of their unsuitability. Finally, this paper puts forward a new type of college teachers' community, that is, the constituent community.


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