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发布时间:2019-04-04 20:36
【摘要】:目前高校招投标工作仍处于起步阶段,缺乏相关招标规章制度,存在一些亟待解决的问题。现实中招投标工作还有一些不尽人意的地方,,正确认识招投标中存在的矛盾和问题,认真研究与探讨招投标工作的方式和方法,健全各项规章制度,理顺管理体制。 本文首先从高校采购招标投标的基本概念入手,指出高校采购招标投标具有导向性、市场性、行政性和社会公共性等特征,与企业采购和个人采购存在本质的区别。因此,重视和加强高校采购招标投标的法制建设和规范运作,对维护公共利益、促进社会公平正义具有十分重要的现实意义。经过考察了多所高校现有的招标制度建设情况,以高校现有的招标管理制度建设为例,结合学校在招标操作实务、合同管理、评标方法、评标专家库建设选择、招标监督管理、电子商务招投标制度建设等各方面案例分析出当前高校招标制度建设的现状并不容乐观、存在着评标方法选择随意性、合同订立不规范、专家库建设不一致、招标监督管理不到位等问题,提出了在高校建立规范的招投标制度体系,统一评标办法、做好合同签订严格把关,与招标文件紧密结合、加强对招投标全过程监督等解决方法,进一步规范高校招标采购工作,更好的为国家的建设与发展服务。
[Abstract]:At present, the bidding work in colleges and universities is still in its infancy, lack of relevant bidding rules and regulations, and there are some urgent problems to be solved. There are still some unsatisfactory places in the bidding work in reality. We should correctly understand the contradictions and problems existing in the bidding process, study and probe into the ways and methods of bidding work, perfect the rules and regulations, and straighten out the management system. This paper starts with the basic concept of bidding and bidding in colleges and universities, and points out that the tendering and bidding in colleges and universities have the characteristics of orientation, market, administration and social publicity, which are essentially different from those of enterprise procurement and individual procurement. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to emphasize and strengthen the legal construction and standard operation of bidding and bidding in colleges and universities to safeguard public interests and promote social fairness and justice. After investigating the construction of the existing tendering system in many colleges and universities, taking the construction of the existing tendering management system in colleges and universities as an example, combined with the practice of bidding operation, contract management, bid evaluation method, selection of construction of expert pool of bidding evaluation, and supervision and management of bidding, E-commerce bidding system construction and other aspects of the case analysis of the current situation of college bidding system construction is not optimistic, there are random selection of bid evaluation methods, the contract is not standardized, the construction of expert pool is not consistent, In this paper, the author puts forward some solutions, such as establishing a standardized bidding system in colleges and universities, unifying bid evaluation methods, making strict control of contract signing, combining closely with bidding documents, and strengthening supervision over the whole process of bidding and bidding, and so on, in order to solve the problems of inadequate supervision and management of tendering and bidding. Further standardize the bidding procurement of colleges and universities to better serve the construction and development of the country.


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