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发布时间:2019-04-08 15:37
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of today's society, the rapid development of science and technology, and the rapid development of the knowledge economy, it is only necessary to attach great importance to and develop the quality-oriented education, to carry out a large number of personnel training, to seize the initiative of development and to occupy the commanding heights of development, Only in the fierce international competition. Personality education focuses on the overall development and development of personality, so that students can correctly grasp the value of life and the meaning of life, self-improvement, self-respect and self-love. In recent years, there have been a number of tragic events caused by the personality defects of the college students: the incident of the sulfuric acid of Liu's ocean, the events of the Marquis and the drug family, and the death of the victim's 8-knife. For the bad behavior of the above-mentioned college students, we have many doubts in the heart of the harrowing: why are these college students who have been subjected to many years of higher education and quality-oriented education knowing that they are going to commit a crime or do it? In this context, through the research of the questionnaire and the case analysis, this paper has carried on the writing of the article with the guidance of the comprehensive development theory of Marxism and the theory of the construction of the socialist spiritual civilization. The article first analyzes the basic concept, summarizes and analyses the good situation and bad tendency of the contemporary college students' personality development, and points out the main problems in the development of the personality of the contemporary college students. Then the main factors that may affect the personality education of college students are discussed, namely, family factors, school factors and social factors. Then, try to point out the possible causes of the low personality of a part of the college students, namely, the market economy, the employment difficulty, the consumerism, the network environment and the economic globalization. Then, the article puts forward the corresponding strategies and suggestions from the three aspects of family, school and society. In the end, the article sums up the work of the college students' healthy personality. The full text is divided into six chapters. The first chapter introduces the background and significance of the thesis, the main theoretical basis: the comprehensive development theory of Marx and the theory of the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, the research status of this problem at home and abroad, the research methods and the summary of the research. The second chapter analyzes the main concepts of the article. This part analyses some main concepts in the paper, such as personality, personality, quality education and personality education. The third chapter is about the development of college students' personality education. This part lists a lot of data to demonstrate the main point of view, and mainly analyzes the good situation and bad tendency of the contemporary college students' personality development. Among them, the good situation mainly includes: the support of the Party's leadership, the fate and confidence of the country's future, the focus on current affairs at home and abroad, and the strong patriotic enthusiasm; and the correct world outlook, the outlook on life and the values. The bad tendency is mainly that the political theory can not be grasped in a deep level, the political accomplishment is to be improved, some social hot issues cannot be fully recognized, and the relationship between the state, the collective and the individual cannot be properly handled. The content of this section is the base point of the discussion of the following chapters. The fourth chapter mainly analyzes the main factors that affect the personality education of college students. This chapter is mainly about the basic elements and the main causes of the college students' personality growth. Among them, the basic elements mainly include family factors, school factors and social factors. The main causes of this paper are summarized from five aspects: market economy, employment difficulty, consumerism, network environment and economic globalization. This section is the key section of the full text. The fifth chapter mainly discusses the way to train the personality of college students. This chapter first discusses the relationship between quality education and personality education, that is, mutual influence and indivisibility. After that, the article puts forward some strategies to construct the college students' healthy personality, which is based on both internal and external aspects. It mainly includes five aspects, such as the self-cultivation, the construction of a good campus environment, the establishment of a perfect family environment, the construction of a good social environment and the construction of a healthy network environment. After the countermeasure is put forward, the article also points out some defects of quality-oriented education under the cultivation of the whole personality. The sixth chapter is the conclusion and prospect of this paper. This part reviews the main contents of the full text, and summarizes the good prospect of the development of college students' personality education. The writing of this paper hopes to give some inspiration to the relevant ideological and political educators, which can lead to the reader's thinking.


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