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发布时间:2019-05-07 09:29
【摘要】:我国是一个人力资源丰富的发展中国家,而高校毕业生则是重要的人才资源。高校毕业生就业问题关系到社会的稳定,国家、政治、经济等诸多方面的健康发展。如何合理的配置这一资源,使学生的个人价值和社会价值能够最大化的实现,已经成为当前社会普遍关注的问题。而这一难题的解决也给与之密切相关的高校就业指导提出了新的挑战。为了应对这样的挑战,本文提出以企业人力资源开发为基础来构建新的高校就业指导的模式,来提升高校就业指导的质量。 文章从高校就业指导的实际现状出发,针对当前高校就业指导工作存在的问题,提出建立一种以人力资源开发理论为指导,从人力资源管理获得岗位的视角来完善高校就业指导的方法。文章具体论述了就业指导的概念及其发展过程,阐述了高校开展大学生就业指导工作的重要性,通过对高校毕业生就业现状的问卷调查与分析,阐释了人力资源开发管理用于大学生就业指导的关系,指出完善大学生就业指导工作的方法需要从人力资源开发管理的角度出发落实到相关的载体建设上,并从就业指导机构的健全,就业指导课程的建设,“能本”管理的实施以及就业指导方式等方面提出了改进的方法。
[Abstract]:China is a developing country with abundant human resources, and college graduates are important talent resources. The employment of college graduates is related to the stability of the society, the healthy development of the country, politics, economy and so on. How to allocate this resource reasonably so that the students' personal value and social value can be maximized has become a common concern of the society. The solution of this difficult problem also puts forward new challenges to the employment guidance of colleges and universities which is closely related to it. In order to meet this challenge, this paper proposes to construct a new employment guidance model based on the development of enterprise human resources to improve the quality of employment guidance in colleges and universities. Starting from the actual situation of employment guidance in colleges and universities, this paper puts forward to establish a theory of human resources development, aiming at the problems existing in employment guidance work in colleges and universities at present. From the human resource management to obtain the position angle to perfect the university employment guidance method. This paper discusses the concept of employment guidance and its development process, expounds the importance of college students' employment guidance work, and through the questionnaire investigation and analysis of the employment status of college graduates, This paper explains the relationship between human resources development and management for college students' employment guidance, and points out that the method of perfecting college students' employment guidance needs to be implemented from the angle of human resources development and management to the relevant carrier construction. The improvement methods are put forward from the aspects of the perfection of the employment guidance institution, the construction of the employment guidance course, the implementation of the ability-based management and the employment guidance mode, etc.


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