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发布时间:2019-05-13 15:03
[Abstract]:In accordance with the Provisional measures for the formulation of the articles of higher Learning promulgated by the Ministry of Education (hereinafter referred to as the measures), the articles of association of colleges and universities shall be drafted by the school, the draft shall be discussed by the staff Congress, the office meeting of the president shall consider it, and the party committee of the school shall examine and approve it. After examination and approval, it shall be issued by the legal representative of the university and submitted to the approving authority. The organizing authorities or competent departments of colleges and universities shall participate in the formulation of the articles of association in an appropriate manner. According to this method, there must be the following problems in the constitution of the university. First of all, it is difficult to define the relationship between the organizer, the administrative department of education and the university. Since the articles of association of the university are formulated within the university, it is difficult for the school to define the specific rights and responsibilities of the organizer, nor can it ask the organizer's ultra vires interference in the running of the school.
【作者单位】: 二十一世纪教育研究院;


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